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Buell XB Primairy cover DMF repair kit

8-3-2019 -

We can offer a very good repair now for the Broken primairy cover for all Buell XB9 and XB12 models 2003-2010 with the DMF repair solution that is a industry standard for the clutch repair. Here is a small reason why we offer this from DMF Machining in the USA

We now have a European distributor for the Buell Fix Kit! We are so excited to work with Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever who will both sell Do-it-yourself repair kits and also offer the repair service for your broken primary cover. You will be able to send in your broken primary cover and they repair it for you. We expect this new endeavor to be very helpful for the European Buell Community as they will get better shipping rates then we can offer from The USA as well as the possibility of faster shipping times.

A problem that can happen with the Buell XB 9/12 series is that the primairy cover clutch mechanisme holder can break 

while the methode of the DMF Machining plate repair is not new, we are glad we can offer this service in our shop and for our European customers. We offert this in kit form or as repair for you to send your primary cover in 

The cutting of the broken bit can be a pain with a angle grinder or dremel  tool, as you want the base to be flat and even.  we made a Jig to mill this with little effort to the right size and to be sure every repair is flat and correct.

drilling the holes through and tapping the threads. The best to start from the front side ( dril and tap included in the parts kit ) 

Clean and cheking the fitment

the counter sunk screws are included in the kit, use loctite on these , so they will never come loose 

thighen (The bit also included in the parts kit ) 

ready. looking for the front

check the cover on the bike.. with gasket there should be enough clearance between the DFM plate and the Clutch hub finger 

mount the cover and clutch mechanism  and adjust to specification 

lock plate on and inspection cover on, use the added washers to mount the cover ( the stock bolts have become a little to long ) 



or cut the original screws a little shorter 

link to the Primairy cover repair done by us ( you send in your cover  to us ) DMF002

Link to the repair kit