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30-11-2016 X1 rocker cover gaskets , oil pump gear
11-12-2016 - 30-11-2016 Buell X1 rocker cover gaskets and oil pump gear replacement.
so gearbox parts are in... time to start the rest off the work on the X1
as we need to replace the rocer cover gaskets fuel tank needss to come off
caps and old sparkplugs ... don't trow theme away
i start with the rear one
cover and spacer rings off
and remove the small bolts first , than the thick ones
not really needed as the bike has not run in a while, but a little rag to catch the leaking oil
nice and silicone... no
happy screw in the airfilter
needed some persuasion, the little 5/32 allen heads look nice but there a pain
and i don't know why they routed the breathers all around the bike ? the filters are next to the battery
for the front rocker box.. best to remove the coil
still is a little tight but it can be done
left front allen... ball end bit on a minirachet
and pull out the pushrods before you remove the rocker box.. helps
that is the culprit off the oil leaking
as the customer had no idea if the oil pump gear was ever checked... very smart to do this now, as the rocker boxes are off , only need to remove the cam cover
sign plate off
the metal baseplate , with 2 philips head screws... use a fitting screw driver and tap the screwdriver with a hammer to get these loose
mark the timing sensor for easy remounting
and the cup out. so you wll not pull the cam out
screws out
this cover was on very tight
as one off the locating pins was corroded , again needed some persuasion to loosen this
good thing we diceded to check, not completely gone , but noticeble wear
about half the theeth are worn off
new gear on, redloctite on the pinion nut and tighten to specs with the use off the lock tool
the cams are marked from rear to front
stetting the timing on the gears
alway fun the cover screw 4 different lenghts
cover back on and setting to TQ
sensor plate back on
customer wanted the rusty pushrod covers replaced, all in one go now, so removing the old ones
new o-rings first in the cylinderheads
little lube on the new covers
and pushing the covers first in the o-rings, than mount the baseplates
the same for the rear but a cut off allen key is better to clear the frame pipe
pushrods in the bike and the rocker boxes can be rebuild
position all the bolts loosely so the gasket lines out
than start the 4 big ones, gently lowering the rocker cover, giving the tappeds time to bleed, keeping the rockerbox level
and setting the tq to all the bolts
umbrella valve for the breathers.. this one is old and hard,
the cover gasket kit comes with new ones , pull a new one in
and screw the cover on
front one, rocker box on first and than drop in the pushrods
setting to tq
the left front one... well.. tighten it, very hard to get a TQ wrench
spacer can be a bit hard to get in between the front mount and rocker as some times the screw needs a little
good rocker covers on... exhaust can be mounted... new gasket rear
the c-clips where pulled over the exhaust ends , i put in new ones , these sould hold it better
header on... not to tight yet... mufler needs to go on first
because we are so far... and i really have my suspisions with the intake seals... i take the manifold off
breather counter nuts loose
and removing the throttle bodie
eeehhh.. that was a right calll... the seals are done
front as rear
throtte bodie cleaned, new gaskets on... put the front bracket on to line up the manifold , hydraulic loctite on the breather bolts
and tighen the throttle bodie when inline
with 2 keys tighten the breather bolts
and the hose back on... to morrow gearbox back to getter