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26-8-2016 Buell XB engine assembly
14-9-2016 - 26-8-2016 Buell XB engine assembly
bizzy day today, some Buellers from the USA visiting us so this took some time to show theme around and awnsered some questions, so little shop time.. making the engine ready for the cylinders... testing base gaskets bigbore mnnn will not fit like this needed to cut theme down a little
as there was to little clearance to the pushrod base plates , needed to cut 2 mm off ... now they fit perfect
nice pistons :-) big size piston ring compressor , rings positioned 180 off
little cleaning and prelube the cylinder walls
cylinder on, and temperary tighten them down to the case so the will not knock around when i mount the rear cylinders
rear one on
checking the head gaskets if the rivits are obstructing , but these are just outside the gasket mating aria
nice heads... ready to go back on
some oil on the threads and on the headbolt flats
and tq theme down as instructed in multiple steps
collapseble pushrod covers
some find these difficult to mount ...
use a flat screw divers and lever the spring loaded ring down, and pushing the upper holder in... easy
nice custom lenght pushrods , light weight and strong... no moving parts on these... better
rocker box on, note the roller rockers arms ( and the beehive springs ) , start all the bolts to locate the rocker box in place
start with the 4 big bolts, tighten these down evenly amd set to 22 Nm then, thighten the small bolts
little prelube douse not hurt, as it can take some time before oil pressure is in the rocker box
and XB covers back on
ditto for the rear
i like to tighten these with a torq wrech
as the 1/4 screws can break to easy in my opinion, with the digital tq wrench i can see the tq go down as a sign that i'm pulling the threads or breaking the bolts , engine is ready to go in