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10-8-2016 X1 Customising, XB cutch problem
2-9-2016 - 10-8-2016 Buell X1 Customising , Buell XB cutch problem , Buell X1 brake
ok on where we left off, original triple t out , and handle bars off
i leave the lower bearing on the orginal triple t, hard to remove and reuse, normaly you destroi it , putting a new bearing on the new custom triple much easyer
forks out, and cleaning... as we are going to mount progressive springs
top end off.. about the same as XB, but no spring preload
and a dish to lock the preload tube
springs out, note the differance , is for the X1 a big improvement in handeling
off course with a little protection the cap nut stays nice
custom triple t in, forks and powder coated head light brackets
nice, starting to look like some thing
new brake master from the dual disk brake kit
nice , adaptors and brembo 4 pot calipers
checking the alinement , before i fasten everything... spot on
as the thread in the calipers is much stronger than the brackets to the front legs, for service loosen the caliper bolts , i fasten the adaptor bolts with red loctite
fitting the brake lines, carefull not to loose the rubber seal on these type off brake lines
carbon fender on , stainless hardware , brake lines fitted... this is going to stop hard !!
i really tried... but this carbon overlay is rubbish .. already gounded off the sides so it would fit more easy, but the ignition switch threads would not even come through the plate... i can mount it , but it will look like crap ... no sorry
original dash it is , off course stainless hardware
nice indicastors on, and flyscreen back on
some off the fuel tank cover well nut have seen there best days.. i will put some new ones on
there is a saying , custom parts never fit...
but with a big tool box you, can make most work... retapping the brake cylinder mount so the mirror will fit again
the frame hole plugs in
and she is ready for test ride :-) , she was already a very nice X1... with the mods done, she is even nicer, and will brake much better
Xb with clutch problems... comming in like this cable ok
next thing to look for... primairy cover ... dham never seen this break off on a 2010 model , i suspect the clutch is not adjusted properly , as the newer covers are better than the old ones
so striping... shifter off , and oil out
remove the clutch cable bracket at the front and pull the cable out
with the cable straight you can unscrew it from the cover , with less change the isolation will start to leak
tensioner shoe out
preping the new cover with a new shifter seal, and scrweing in the chain tensioner
check for the broken off pieces, all came out here, new gasket on
and tighten the cover starting in the middle and spiral out
clutch cable back in
oil back to level and clutch mechanisme adjsuted, properly
loctire on the shift lever bolt
and pushing the clutch cable back trought the triple
checking and adjusting the primairy chain tension, and she is ready to go...
X1 finishing service.. brake caliper bolts felt a little hard to turn.. will remvoe the old loctite , that was collected on the threads
o yes... 5mm allen... is not going to work here
supported the caliper and with a impact screwdriver and a t40 bit luckaly it came loose
front axle little loctite on
and hold the axle when you tighten it... pinch bolts fasten after pushing down the suspention a few time to set the forks on the axle
front brake fluid ... has been a while
little cleaning and fesh fluid in
and cleaning the anvil on the master and pivot points feels so much better
rear brake light switch replaced , as the old one did not work anymore
and i will replace the fluid :-X i think it is needed