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5-8-2016 Nice XB12SS 09 in for maintenance
2-9-2016 - What did we do today 5-8-2016: Nice XB12SS 09 in for maintenance
nice one all black
as the bike was farting a little and popping when engine braking , intake seals supected, little testing confirmed the front seal was leaking
knowing we need to replace the seals to in a big service, not so much extra work, as we can combine things , so draining the fluids first and stripping covers
so draining the fluids first and stripping covers
cleaned the drain plugs, new o-rings and a little hydro loctite
gearbox oil back in
1 bottle is back to level, bike straight on bought wheels , just toughing the clutch spring —
exhaust off as we need to drop the engine
belt check, mnn this one still first belt, is creaking very hard, and cracks are already there, talked to the customer , best to replace it now and keep it as spare
wheel out, and bearing check, these are ok
replacing the belt, right footpeg bracket off
with the belt tension still off ( axle 15 turns out ) remove the swing arm brace , and you can pull the old belt off
twist the belt and turn it on it self, makes a little package
new belt on the pulleys
now first the swingarm brace back on , before you tighten the belt
set axle to 66 Nm and tighten the pinch bolt
checking the primairy chain tension
w -brace loose and loosen the connectors before you rotate the engine
support the weight off the engine , and lift it a little
if tension free , after loosening , you should be able to unscrew the front bolt with your hands
moving up, removing the airbox
airfilter box off, and take the coil out ( 08-up )
loosen connectors on the throttle body and unscrew and unhook the throttle cables out the cam
clutch cable unhooked from the lever, and engine down , remove the
bolts on the flanges
not much to see. but a hard edge on the rubber
after a little cleaning, new seals on and ready to go back in
manifold in place, easy to plug on the injector connectors witht he engine still rotated, green is rear . white is front —
and with the engine down... easy to change the plugs :-) —
engine back up, check the wires are all running free , same story with out tension you can screw the bolt back in with your hand
and mount he w-brace back
throttle cables back on
and tighten the cables on the manifold
ready to do the front end
wheel bearings are done... will replace these
changing front fork oil, protect the cap nuts with some isolation take
i wil index the rebound adjusters, this is fully closed now
looks better when there fully closed like this
new oil in , bleed the rebound damper so the stroke is consistand the whole way up and down —
new bearings , new front tyre , wheel back on and tq the caliper bolts
front fender on , low grade loctite on the screws
comming back to getter, exhaust back on, and covers back on
changing the brake fluid
mnnn lever is for 6 pot ... means it has to much play on a 8 pot master cylinder.... sometimes i wonder
as the levers look nice... but they rattle
running warm for oil level check , and test ride, nice head light modification