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4-8-2016 service XB12Sx, X1 customizing

29-8-2016 - 4-8-2016 service Buell XB12Sx, customizing Buell X1

nice XB12SX 2010 for its first service

battery was a question mark, but it is still decent..

while draining the fluids and striping the covers

gearbox first service oil change.. debris on the plug is normal nothing to worry about

changing the oil filter

loosening the clutch cable adjuster put some neverseas on the threads

fresh gear box oil in, adjust the clutch ball and ramp . lightly bottoming and 1/4 turn loose

while the engine was running warm for the oil change i could hear the primairy chain rattle , yep way to loose , before you adjust look for the tightest spot on the chain

always check the gap on the new spark plugs when you replace theme !!

moving up ... remove the airbox for the rear spark plug and airfilter cleaning

check the plug wires for rubbing marks

best to pull the plug boot back when you put theme on, so you can better feel and see if there on good... pull the boot back down on theme when done

airfilter cleaned and new filter oil on

top end can go back on, translucent covers, use the spacers !!! and foam washers

bike turned around to check the front end

caliper loose 

and axle out .. note the 2 slots in the caliper , line this up with a spoke

off course wheel bearing check ... no problems here

fork legs out for oil change —

clean up the legs when you do this, as you will slide the outer leg over the dirt , not good for seals

with a little care and isolation tape , no need to scar the top cap nuts

legs back in, check the wire loom so you don't pich theme against the handle bar

little loctite on the caliper bolts

front axle back in... clean and lubed , smooth as silk you can turn it in with a finger

brakefluid change... first time in 6 years ?

with a little fresh fluid no change on boiling brake fluid

off course change the rear fluid too , time to test ride 

X1 customizing... removing the original rear brake line is a pita

first remove the hose clamp fromt he rear tiebar

loosening the oil tank

as you need to lift the oil tank from the lower brackets to slide the line out

old line out

and new line on, bleeding the system

rear fender back on with stainless hardware

re routed some cableing to the battery cover fits nicely

now to mount the left scoop properly , also wrapped in carbon , nice work

i put some new wellnuts in as the old ones are gone

mounting the new front holder

the rear clamp can be a pita to get the screw in, putting a ziptie on to clamp theme to getter works good

carbon pully cover , removing the brace and old plastics

and putting back on the vibration spacer on the carbon cover

nice :-)

carbon overlay for the dash

will start to remove the dails

get the fuel tank off to loosen the connectos , or remove the terminals in the dail. in this case , i remove the connectors

as the wire color is indicated on the dails.. easy to put theme back on

ok having a issue here... customer gave me the piece, will ask what he want me to do , make it fit , or send it back

i will start on the front end , caliper and front wheel needs to be removed ,

loosening the disk, easy with the button head tq screws, will give more room to remove the caliper

with the disk loose about 10 mm you can take off the caliper with out damaging the wheel paint

new disk 1 back on

cleaning the threads on the other side off the wheel

indexing the mirror image disk for the right side .. :-) gonnabe nice , and will brake very hard