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3-6-2016, Ulysses, wheels, XB ground problems
9-7-2016 - 3-6-2016, Ulysses, wheels, XB ground problems, cylinder removal
omg... Uly invasion :-) and there where 4 more in our shop... gotta love theme
2e try powder coating , last time we ( customer and me ) where not inpressed by the work, so asked the coater to do it again... looking better now
front looks nice to
so pressing in the bearings brake disk side first
2010 wheel , leaves a little space over for the dust seal
pully side ( the side with the double bearing ) spacer in first
and press the bearings in
the dust seals can be pushed in with the same stamp you use for the bearings
and front wheel bearings in
tyres on... and back to the customer to finish his project
leaking seal bike from yesterday, did a little idle hick up with fan action... will check the grounds first as the bike also starts hard , side rails off as this is a gound conductor
ground cables off
and the 2 screws in the tail section
had a good idea these where not cleaned after painting... as these are ground conducting parts leaving paint on, can cause strange things
front ends cleaned the paint off —
side pice back on and added a bolt to secure the ratteling battery box ( after removal off the passengers pegs , nothing was put in to hold the battery try )
and do do the same for the right side
i check the iac anyway , as it did trow a error code
will clean up the idle air channel ,
cycled the actuator a few times , seams to work ok
iac back on, and warming up to see if the problem re-ocures ... and test ride... she runs very nice now
Uly break down.. got the ok from the customer for repair, so front cylinder removal to be send off to the machine shop to bore and hone oversize
rocker cover off
and start the rocker box with the 1/4 bolts to loosen
and evenly loosen the 4 big bolts
bumpsticks out
head bolts loose... the 2 long one are heavely corroded
work smarter not harder... head bolts are tight, with a extention you can make more force controlled
this bike is really not my friend... need to fight to many bolts , 1/2 socket slipped over the head... needed to hammer on a 12mm 12 point go get some grip
will not reuse these
head off , looks good
even the piston rings look good, but boring oversize really do bought cylinders
cylinders off ... partk the bike for the time bying , mount the V-brace on
and strap the tie rod to the v-brace frame , the case will hang sturdy and you can use the side stand