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XB9r in for service , XB12 shifter , XR1200 HPA bo
14-6-2016 - XB9r in for service , XB12 shifter , XR1200 HPA box
first love... mine personal one is rebuild and customized completly, some times nice to see a very well kept original bike... 47000 km done, still looks like new
i don't think this bike has ever seen rain
stock exhaust , coating still good , don't mind the wet spot as i'm draining the oils
oil lines polished up
even the front pully is nice
bike had a little mishap, and we need to replace this for the customer
a soft tought down , but still left some marks
ok on with the service, primairy chain.. still perfect
yes even the brake caliper is cleaned
checking the wheel bearings , removing the lower belt cover
axle out and lift the bike , so you can take the wheel out
these are the bearing from the recall back in 2003 .. some times i don't know as i harldy see a Xb wheel bearing make it more than 30000 km , these are in 45000 km and still good
so wheel back in axle to tq
foot peg replacement , clip off the pivot
and push the pivot out with a drift , so you don't have to look for the spring
or hold the spring in with you thumb
brake pedal off
and cotter pin out
brake pedal in place and push in the new foot peg , holding the spring in with your thumb
front spark plug from below
under the seat... freaking clean
the booths off the sparkplugs where pulled down to much, the connector will not "click" and make solid connection
with a pair off needle noose pliers pull the booth back and "click"the cable on the plug , and than pull the booth down
front wheel bearings check.. same story.. .still good
so wheel back in and axle to tq specs
load the supenstion a few time , and than fasten the axle pinch bolts , and than mount the front slider
need to replace the front brake lever, for the little mishap
and replace the front indicator
new one in
there are left and right ones... you can see this by locating the hole , this should be mounted to the ground
just little things, noticed this one to the customer, the switch wires run out side the frame
while they sould be on the inside//. looks cleaner like this
brake fuild change
and rear to
heating up the oil to do the final oil check
this customer always amaizes me , to take so much care for the bike
Xb crash repair... no shifty up anymore, i think one off the mechnisme fingers is missing a spring..
wo opening up the cover
yep shifter is not in the correct position
need to take the clutch off to get to the shifter , clutch pulling plate out to uncover the mainshaft hub nut
for xb, if the nut is loose you can pull out the clutch hub with plates and all
and with a little fideling with the chain you can leave the front sprocket on and take the clutch basket out
you see the upper shifter pal is not in position
the crash on the shifter pushed the lever over the notch
back in position and tighened the hinge again so it has smooth action but not to much play
testing the gears.. all fine
so clutch back on , put the ring correctly on the nut.. wrong way threads. little red loctite on the axle
and cover back on, i use some loctite on these screws.. seen theme come loose during racing.. after that i always use loctite on these
XR1200 in for oil change and HPA box
oil drain plug is located between the frame pipes
little request remove the passengers pegs and mount a exhaust bracket
oil filter change.. less mess with a oil gutter cut from a old oil bottle
hpa mounting , 4 screws out that hold the cover and pull the cove roff
remove the front and rear tank bolts
and unscrew the airfilter screws
old airfilter out
preping the HPA box with the breather hoses from the stock box
with the suplied velocity stack for the hpa box you need to make the breathers a little higher with the longer hose suplied
filter on ... nice