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6-4-2016 XB service , belt change , neutral switch
21-5-2016 - 6-4-2016 XB service , belt change , neutral switch
XB12 SS brought in for a big check up and make everything ready for the season, heating up for the oil change, and checking intake seals for leasks
draining the oil
i try to work as efficient as possible, so with the lift on level. do everything that is in reach , front spark plug
nice... bike is in good condition , hard to tell the gearbox plug from the engine plug, carefull rider
old oil filter off
and fresh one on , just a litle more than hand tight
oil back in, i start filing on the 06 models with 2.6 liter , to add a little after warm up and oil level check
inspecting the rear wheel bearings, nice wheels, and need to use a rear stand, so i remove the metal inner belt cover not to dammage the wheels
brake caliper off
first check the primairy chain , needed to adjust it a bit
wheel out , turn the bearings with your fingers, so you can feel begining wear , or even if they turn by hand ( some are pressed in way to tight )
customer ask to replace the belt , and will keep the old one as spare, smart it is showing some cracks , but will make a perfect spare , for long road trips, replacing a belt by the road side is not really difficult, getting one can be a pain
idler wheel... runs smooth and is in perfect condition
fresh rubber on , axle cleaned and wheel back on place
leave the axle on the thin part and route the belt on the pulleys
before you tighten the rear axle first mount back the swing arm piece , use a little loctite on these bolts
and use some loctite on the feetpeg bracket screws
before you put the belt tension on, mount back the metal belt guard
tighen the axle and fasten the pinch bolt
bike swapped around for the front end service
airbox off to get to the rear spark plug and air filter
a other indication bike is in nice health.. clean box and little to no breather oil
check the spark plug cables on rubbing marks and corrosion on the terminals
rear plug, combustion is spot on , nice
front fender off and brake caliper bolts off
front wheel bearings are done.. i could feel this already when i pushed the bike in... when you push allot off different xb.. you get a feel for is.. even to the point you can feel if the belt is cold or warm ( warm belts have less resitance )
front forks out for oil change, smart to protect he top caps with some isolation tape , as this size socket has a build in play in it , and so so easy to dammage the soft aluminium
mnnn some rubbing marks on the left leg from the key chain, as there are no reflectors on the front leg, i turn this ugly spot to the rear , will notify the customer
front legs back in, i noticed while i pushed in the bike a steeringhead knock, the bearings are still good , but the preload need to be set again so i tighen only the top triple t bolts to hold the fork in
loosening the handle bar clamp to re-tighten the steeringhead nut
put a little never seas on the threads, they can corrode
stem nut retightened, to set the preload on the steering head bearings , and tighten the pinch bolt
and tighten the lower triple t clamps
base plate and arifilter cleaned and back on
just a little "feel "better clean and relubricate the contact points and pivit pin, old grease can feel crunchy and make the brake feel digital ( on - off )
fresh brake fluid in
and heating up for oil lever check and test ride
XB12STT in for a check up .. nice 200 tyre fills the swing arm nice
heating uo the oil for draining , and fuction check
i could here the primairy chain clacking away.. defenaly needs tightening
oil filter old one off and fresh one on
customer noticed the neutral light was not always working.. measuring cold , the switch has allot resistance.. i think when it is hot it will stop working
so rear wheel loose and out to get the belt from the front pulley
and remove the old sensor
new sensor in... better
while i'm there checking the no. 77 connector on burn marks , this one is still perfect, reconnect with some electric silicone grease
set the primairy chain to the correct freeplay
mnnn some licenceplate led's are out
checking battery connections, as the bike vibrates, the battery will to, i come acrosse a few loose connections and problems resulting this a few times a year , check theme every now and then
front end check... mmmnnnn how i'm going to tackle this