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12-2-2016, 1125 engine blow up strip down
1-5-2016 - 12-2-2016, 1125 engine blow up strip down to see what has happend
we already had a little strip down, time to take the old engine out and try to find out what happend
engine supported and rear wheel out, remove the brake line as we going to take the swing arm off
the other brake line clip
schock bolt loose
and pinch bolt loose for the swing arm axle
and swing arm pivot loose ( same size as the wheel hex 7/8 or 22 mm )
taking off the radiators
K-brackets loose
sidestand off
support the bike in a hoist so the frame will be suspended
and with a flat jacks lower the engine completly
loose the cable harness from the engine
mnnn bad ground...
looks empty like this
to learn what when wrong and to salvage some parts we decided to strip the old broken engine
front is strange, intake valves open and i can see the top off the piston
so valve cover off
pieces missing here, looks like about aa the valve fingers ar broken , the intake cams have wear marks
exhaust cams have also wear marks
as this is a rip and strip i don't really bother doing this the official way , cam chain off by pulling off the gear
mnnn had not even seen this, looks like some horses wanted to get out ( cylinder is cracked )
the cam fingers look strangly worn..
dropped 1 valve
valve still moves a little, but the keys are nowhere to be found
removing the thermostat hoses
and removing the head bolts
aaah ok there is the piston... the bottom half broke and the cylinder wall is completly destoid
should still be some wall left
one side off the piston still has the piston pin hole the other half is broken off
looksie inside , rear one is also FUBAR
the broken half off the piston had contact to the valves and cylinder head, but not really hard or long before the bottom broke out
rear valve train douse not look any better
wear marks on teh cams
and some pitting started
looking at the left overs off the cam finger i start to gasp what had happened , thers is a strange hollow worn in
and that hollow is not from the valve lift
gently moving it around, to see where the hollow starts to tought the cam
in the base circle it matches the wear pattern fully... , i pritty know for sure the valve play as been way to tight for a long time , big maintence has been delayed way to long ( 55000 km on the bike )
so the rear , see what we find there
oil line off
head bolt is bend .mnnnn
to take off the heads don't forget the litte bolts inside the chain gallery
mnnn comes apart like a puzzle
i think this is where it started, heavy valve to piston contact
peeling off the rest off the cylinder
piston is still there
but broke in half
and also a piece off the piston pin hole broke out
the other half the eye is still ok
the broken off rod end hase been punching holes in the gearbox , what caused the transmisison to block completely
will split the cases , clutch pressure plate off
hub nut is still inplace
with the side cover / waterpomp half off i can undo the loosen the hub nut
no need to block it as the crank is blocked anywat wink-emoticon
the ducatie clutch noise running idle , was a planned repair for this bike , transmission damper has to much play , picture one side
and to the other side
crank nut off to get the timing gear and counter balance shafts out
you need to loosen the oil screens to get the gears off
and pull the chain slider pivot out to remove the chain guard
shifter rod out , runs from right to left trought the engine
c-clip off the oil pomp to remove the nylon oil pump gear
oil pomp cover off the axle is in place with some precision pins that actuate the oil pomp rotors
some wear marking on the oil pomp rotor
speed sensor pick up trigger off
case oil sif looks like expected full with debris
ignition cover off , looks like the stator to rotor clearance was also opset as the stator is been rubbing on the rotor
sprag clutch and gear are still good
case is been bend, looking at the bolts
crank timing gear, also have a oil screen what needs to come off first to take the gear off
timing gear ignition side
and the starter motor drive
neutral sensor
and the front pulley off
front pulley has a little play in it on the rubber crush drive , but that is easy to fix
nice look at the devestation
metal parts every where , broken gears
shifter drum is dammage
even a shifter arm is broken
gears chipped
and even broken i half
crank... nice paperweight
all nooks an holes are filled with debris in the case
so what happend.. valve fingers show wear indication the valve play was way to tight / non existing anymore, rear piston made valve contact , destroiyed the piston and cylinder wall , debris traveled around hit the front piston to the crank bending bending the piston side ways ( rod end snapped ) and continued to poke around untill the gearbox blocked and total failure ... check your valves free play on time !!!