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16-1-2016, XB9S 2003 tlc, 1125CR big service

21-1-2016 - What did we do today 16-1-2016, finish XB9S 2003 tlc, 1125CR big service and repairs

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, air box base cleaned and back on

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, every now and than, remove the old grease on the brake cylinder , and put some new on, feels so much better , than that old crunchy grease

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, brake fluid nasty stuff , seeps though the pores off the rubber

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, with flat bars there is no other way, but check this after you put on the bars

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, fresh fluid in , turning the handle bar to the left will give a more horizontal level

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, i like to keep the level below the rim inside , still plenty to compensate for pad wear

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, don't forget the rear wink-emoticon

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, need a little more clearances i don't like cables rubbing on the battery poles

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, replaced the spacer a little so this rides against the pole

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, pushing the bike, i felt the rebound a little slow compaired to the compression, will set it a little better

finish XB9S 2003 tlc, letting here smootch , all is will , will not test ride to day, way to much salt on the road and raining now, instant dead for the bike


finish XB9S 2003 tlc, nice

1125CR big service, and oiljet modification to the rotor


1125CR big service, and i need to pump the clutch 2x to have a feeling.. leaking clutch cylinder

1125CR big service, while heating up the bike for oil change, noticed the head light is out

1125CR big service, while draining i start to strip the body work, as most off it needs to come off

1125CR big service,mnnn not seen that one comming loose before ? was it tightened ?

1125CR big service, new oil filter in

1125CR big service, and drain the right side off the case

1125CR big service, it is a 09 model but it has the 2010 oil level glass instead off the dipstick

1125CR big service, i start with the leaking clutch, pulling the lever to the handle and holding it there, will stop the reservoir from draining

1125CR big service,loose the banjo

1125CR big service, cover off , 5 mm allen inside to prevent the membrame from turning, and 17mm key to loosen the clutch pull nut

1125CR big service, i could not see any markings on the outside from leaking, looking at the seals , it has been leaking to the inside

1125CR big service,loosening the cover about a pint off brake fluid came out :-X

1125CR big service, inside is soaking wet from the brake fluid

1125CR big service, i will remove the membrame to clean it

1125CR big service, c-clip removed from the clutch cover,

1125CR big service, and with a fitting socket, you can tap the old clutch cylinder out

1125CR big service, debris from the o-rings wearing inside

1125CR big service, membrame is soaked in brake fluid, need to clean this over a longer periode untill the fuild stops oosing out the rubber


1125CR big service, the cylinder is marked for the notch

1125CR big service, i find it more easy to transfer the position off the notched on the inside with a sharpy

1125CR big service,, this way i can locate theme more easy while i'm pressing in the cylinder

1125CR big service, c-clip back in

1125CR big service, and membrame + disks back on

1125CR big service, cover back on and fasten the pull nut

1125CR big service,and tight


1125CR big service, i leave the fluid line off for now, saves me the trouble off loosening the clutch master cylinder while rotating the engine smile-emoticon

1125CR big service, in the clutch cover puck is a little breather / leak hole position this one down

1125CR big service, back to the other side, rotor upgrade with oil jet , removing the cpring clip to pull out the oil cooler line , and rotate this one down

1125CR big service, there is one screw with cruch washer, note this and put it back on this place

1125CR big service, pick up loose

1125CR big service,as we only do the rotor ( precausion , as there are no charging problems ) i don't remove the stator, but twist the cover away with cables attached for protection agains scratches smart to tape the cover off

1125CR big service, need a hard pull the magnets force is strong

1125CR big service,as i pulled off the cover i heard something falling... i mist the washer on the counter weight cam

1125CR big service,ok there it is , it was stuck on the magnets inside the rotor, loosening the sprag bolts i find it easy to do this on the bike , something to hold it and lock it

1125CR big service,size 32 nut loose and pull off the rotor , this one comes off easy, it can happen it is pritty tight on, and need to wiggle it or use a puller to get it off

1125CR big service, clean the old loctite from the bolts

1125CR big service, and clean the threads inside the sprag clutch as you really never wants these bolts to come out with a clean thread the new loctite works best

1125CR big service, also spot and clean old loctite overflow that has become a hard layer, so you the sprag will fit flat on the rotor

1125CR big service, dry parts, can take a little before there is oil presure there, some redline assmebly lube will prevent this from running dry

1125CR big service, lube the sprag clutch to , and slide it on the gear

1125CR big service, i like to put the gear and sprag clutch on first mounting it all in one with the rotor can be a pain as everyting need to line up and the clearance is very tight

1125CR big service, the oil jet positioned on the double spline , to match the hole on the crank

1125CR big service,sliding on the rotor, and turn the sprag so the bolt holes line up

1125CR big service, loctite and 35NM for the small bolts , 400 Nm and new nut for the big nut

1125CR big service,prepping gasket surface , put a little bead off silicone over the rubber wire inlet

1125CR big service, and cover back on

1125CR big service, oil ine cliped back in, check if the spring clip is locking

1125CR big service, rear wheel bearing check , loosening the rear brake caliper , there are big holes in the brake disk to be used to remove the bolts

1125CR big service,, these pad will never make it untill the next service, i will replace these

1125CR big service, the pads are hold on with a spring clip push the tab on the pads to the inside and push the pad up

1125CR big service, and slide it out by the slots in the caliper

1125CR big service, the spring clip on new pads is tight

1125CR big service,bending theme a little open will make mounting theme so much easyer

1125CR big service,bending theme a little open will make mounting theme so much easyer

1125CR big service, rear wheel bearing are ok.. ( first ones this week ) axle back to tq, and pinch bolt back in... is 10mm allen not 3/8 , next week engine rotation and check valve clearance