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21-11-2015 XB12 88 CI project, Xb9 engine damage
23-11-2015 - What did we do today 21-11-2015 XB Braaap 88 CI project, Xb9 engine damage check
XB Braaap 88 project, 06 up gearboxes have a bolt in stead off the counter sunkTorq screw and washer to lock the countershaft in place
XB Braaap 88 project, just checking smile-emoticon — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
XB Braaap 88 project, cases split , inspecting the shift forks , all look good
XB Braaap 88 project, 06 up shifter drums are made off steel ( the old models are Aluminium ) , but the end piece is made off alumium
XB Braaap 88 project, main shift is also completly different as this is a forged and machined piece with complete with gears
XB Braaap 88 project, crank out. in good condition, but for this project , we begin at the bottum , and a 08 crank will be mounted
XB Braaap 88 project, removing the read valve
XB Braaap 88 project, a little help to bleed the crank case pressure to the cam cover and into the oil tank
XB Braaap 88 project, as this is a good condition engine, no hair cranks in the case, between the can bushings and the read valve opening ( if you find cases check theme on this position )
XB Braaap 88 project, oil jets out — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
XB Braaap 88 project, same story here, check for hair cracks — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
XB Braaap 88 project, main shaft bearing is a 2 row angle contact bearing.. better than a single row deep grove as on the older models, but it is 1 time use only , need to put a new one in — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
XB Braaap 88 project, 5 gear shaft needs to go out to the inside , you press the bearing apart — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
XB Braaap 88 project, and the bearing needs to be pressed to the out side..
XB Braaap 88 project, give it a easy paintjob ? under the dirt the coating is loose on more than a few places
XB Braaap 88 project, will not be a easy paintjob
XB Braaap 88 project, but for now cases to getter
XB Braaap 88 project, so the cylinder opening needs to grow a little
XB Braaap 88 project, nice indication how much the case needs to be opened up , it is not for people who get scared quick
while i'm on a rol with the engines, will check this xb9 engine brought in, customer was told there was knock inside, and the engine will be used in a custome made featherbed frame project... now first to see how big the damage is
Xb9 engine damage check , brackets off
Xb9 engine damage check , let me first check of there is still oil in ... ok drain it first
Xb9 engine damage check , i have also a little prrrrt gun smile-emoticon — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , first style primairy chain tension shoe, the one you need to check every 16000 km ( the later blue ones are much better , as this one needs replacement — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , paper gasket, cover has never been off , at least not recently — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , shifter fork off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , stator loose — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , starter motor off — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , rear engine mount always a pain, a short allen key 1/4 helps , and the last one turn the mount to have a better swing — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , stator plug off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , and we can take the stator off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , removing the oil lines — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , with engine damage check the oil pomp !! — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , as it has been pomping debris, marks on the outside off the savaging rotor — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , and big wear marks on the pressure rotor, making it below the flat level, will advice to replace this one too — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , as the customer will convert it to carb, he will need to time it correctly with the ignition he will be using , but a little mark on the plate will help — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , timing cup out — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , rocker covers off , mnnn new gaskets.. this has been off recently — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , rocker boxes off — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , front dito — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , and off with the heads — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , dham.. this engine has been sitting for some time as the cylinders are corroded — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , and the first signs off a big end failure — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , very little left off the bore— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , after market base gaskets... indiction this is been repaired before , perhaps for leaking base gaskets ? — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , cam bushings are ok — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , as is the crankshaft end ( oil feeding point to the big end bearings ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , cams are good — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check, ad to list new oil pump gear — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check, using a piston pin puller reduses the stress on the bigend bearings — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , little sloppy, need new wirstpin bushings to — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , fine metal dust in the case— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , little marking on the main gearbox shaft, need to check the 5e gear bearings for corrosion — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , but the rest looks good — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , black dirt collecting after so many km in the gearbox — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , left crank bearing looks good — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , but the outer race is loosing the top layer — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
Xb9 engine damage check , and a defenaly knocking front rod... big end bearing are also shot , so need to check the heads / valves and make a offer — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.