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5-11-2015 XB12S, leaking intake seals / TM intake

6-11-2015 - What did we do today 5-11-2015 Xb12S, leaking intake seals / TM intake flanges a little more detail

XB12S, stuttering around 3000 rpm, we replace the intake seals not long ago

XB12S, i start to see a pattern here... exhaust heat is making these lower brass nut inserts screw stuck in ?

XB12S, so leak detection. clearly hear a drop in idle rpm

XB12S, and is you use some programs to see inside the ecm.. not the ego correction ( AFV ) is leaning out hard , as the brake cleaner sucked in will enrich the mixture, normalish lever between 90-110 , here at 55

XB12S, so strip down for engine rotation, remove the left foot peg bracket as this will tough the primairy cover

XB12S, left scoop off and loosen the v-brace

XB12S, loosen the clutch cable outer adjuster

XB12S, and unhook the cable, as this will hold the engine up , and you can damage the cable

XB12S, exhaust... some can be used as support , others can we use a bridge construction to support the engine, and some exhaust, beter to just take theme off

XB12S, loosen the rear exhaust straps

XB12S, front clamp loose

XB12S, unscrew the front strap so it has some free play ( you can leave it on )

XB12Sand remove the front hanger bolt , take out the nut on the other side off the bracket , it will hold it self in place but with out the bolt , it will fall out

XB12S, a little wiggeling and pull the exhaust off the header

XB12S, a flat jack is ideal to support the engine, a little block off wood for the cases, and to give more room for the header pipe as this will rotate down and can hit the jack

XB12S, with the engine weight supported by the jack, unscrew the front bolt , if there is no tension you can turn it out by hand after the initial loosening

XB12S, disconnect the fuel line, and loosen the top tierod bolt

XB12S, and you can lower the engine, make sure you don't hit the front fender, is you feel you need more room, remove the front fender

XB12S, unplug the injectors and the TPS sensor

XB12S, for loosening the allen head screws iff there tight best to use a cut off 1/4 allen key

XB12S, if the screws are loose you can switch to a balhead / wobble extention to speed up the process , and remove these bolts

XB12S, remove the mounting screw that hold the manifold to the coil bracket

XB12S, and loosen the hex bolts , they don't need to come out completely as the flanges are slotted on this side

XB12S, now you can take off the manifold, twist it a little, remove the throttle cables and pull it out from the top, you see it has been leaking some

XB12S, on bought sides... will i try 2 time with normal gaskets.. but after that i switch to our intake flanges smile-emoticon

XB12S, check the intake flanges over the manifold runners if they, need a little clearance. Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, do this front and rear... these fit perfect , and the manifold is round Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, other thing you need to check before mounting, as we have made the flanges as thick as possible to make theme strong , chack the clearance to the top off the cylinder head. Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, as for some batches off heads out off the factory the intake flange flat can be machined a little lower, making the flanges not mount flat to the heads, i marked here with a sharpy the top part that needs to be adressed Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, check this also for the rear cylinder.. is a little better, but i will corner off the top edge to Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, with a file or band sander just corner off the edge a little Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, so the flanges will fit flat Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:


XB12S, deburr and clean , put the thick orings in the flange and coat theme with the mounting lubricant supplied Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:


XB12S, make sure the intake runners don't have any nicks and sharp edges Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:


XB12S, and press the flange on, this will need some force to compress the o-ring to a good and gas tight seal Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, and do so for the rear, when pressed on you can turn the flanges in to position just by simply turning theme Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, no put some mounting lubricant in the outer o-ring groove and press the small o-ring in place , the lubricant will hold it in place Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, all to do it to mount it back, some find it easier to put the hex bolt in later, but if you can unscrewed theme enough the slots will go in for tubers it is more easy to put the allen bolts in the flanges Here you can find our solution for the intake leaks:

XB12S, check the alinement on the coil bracket, should be dead center, and tighten the screw and the flange bolts

XB12S, hook up the injectors ( white front / green rear ) and plug the tps sensor connector back in

XB12S, i noticed the front plug wire came off way to easy... as the connector is corroded, will put a new plug wire on

XB12S, loop the tps cable ziptie back over the v-brace end

XB12S, engine ready to be lifted, check the on top everything is free under the frame middle section and when the engine is halfway up, put the bolt in to help with alinement

XB12S, if the bolt/ front mount is free of tension you should be able to screw it in by hand, a little neverseas on the shaft will help for the next time , tighten the front bolt to 66 NM

XB12S. line out the v-brace to the frame mounting points , i find it easiest to start on the left side

XB12S, foot peg bracket back on , a little loctite on these screws will not hurt


XB12S, clutch cable hooked in the lever and adjust the outer cable adjuster so the lever has a little ( 2-3 mm ) freeplay

XB12S, and wiggle the exhaust back on the header

XB12S, it is hard to put the nuts on on top off the bracket, if you rotate the rear clamps next to the bracket and put the nut on 3 turns, you can rotate the strap and slide it on

XB12S, so the nut are out off sight on top off the bracket and tighen theme

XB12S, put the front hanger bolt back on not tight yet, and tighen the strap , tap with a mallet on the header conection so the header is free off tension and the front bracket is flast on the exhaust , than tighten the hanger bolt, loosen the front strap and tighen this not to hard , as the expanding exhaust can break the strap when the exhaust heats up

XB12S, hook in the throttle cables and connectors


XB12S, and time to check it, no leaking smile-emoticon any more , but i will advice the customer to get a fuel mapping... big open exhaust with stock ecm... it will pick up some hp , but more important she will not be a rodeo ride low rpm

XB12S, moutning back the rest off the parts , velocity stack back on , make sure the spring clip is on the lower groove

XB12S, air box back on

XB12S, scoops back on

XB12S, chinspoiler back on, use a little loctite on these screws

XB12S, ready for test ride smile-emoticon