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16-10-2015 XB12Scg TLC, finishing, XB12 Big bore

19-10-2015 - What did we do today 16-10-2015 XB12Scg TLC, finishing, XB12 Big bore investigation

XB12Scg TLC, finishing the rest off the service, connecting the electronics top side

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, hooking in the throttle wires in the cam

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, and lock nuts back on with the lock cam on 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, as the 08 -up models don't have a fixed cable end on the throttle body, check and adjust the cables for a little free play on the handle , it need a little free play other wise they will bind — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, checking compression , adaptor in the reasr cylinder 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, for compersion testing leave the coil connector off ( coil is still out on this one ) 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, and unplug the fuel pump connector , located behind the left side rail 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, cold engine throttle full open, after 5 to 6 strokes the max pressure is reached, good

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, checking the front one, a little more difficult to get the adaptor in

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, but also good.. a little higher than the rear, looking at the spark plugs, a little more carbon build up , but nothing to worry about. is nice how ever to keep this on record and see how this developes over the years 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, fresh plugs, gap set and little neverseas , ready to go in 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, coil back on and sparkplug wires connected. airfilter box cleaned annd mounted back 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, time for the front end service

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, front wheel bearings.. mhee... i don't like taking changes with these, next check up will be to far away. and i can feel theme a little becoming gritty. will change theme

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, forks out , some isolating tape to protect the fork cap nuts from damaging 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, as this a Scg the suspension tracel is very small, and i cannot remove the top cap and rebound rod my usueal way, need to do this by the book... remove the clip on the blue needle holder and remove the spring preload nut, by unscrewing it 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, and unscrew the top cap to get to the needle holder 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, fresh oil back in and rebuilding the forks , airchamber 105 mm a little higher than in the book, will give it a little more progressive feeling while braking , as there is so little travel it can use a little help

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, spring clips back on to lock the preload adjusters

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, wheel back in with fresh bearings 

XB12Scg TLC, finishing. cut off handguard pivot bolts...with out lock nut..

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, i'm sure the owner would not mind if i put in a nice one with lock nut

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, replacing the brake fluid and cleaning the membrame —

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, don't for get the rear... it douse not brake hard, but no reason to neglect it

XB12Scg TLC, finishing, heating up an checking the settings... final oil check and test ride 

XB12 Big bore investigation, talked with the owner adn the decicion was quiclky made to take off the heads and cylinders to check what is going on 

XB12 Big bore investigation... really a pain in the bum to wrench with these hudge oil coolers 

XB12 Big bore investigation , exhaust removed, making ready to drop the engine — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , disconnecting the top side 

XB12 Big bore investigation , headers off , old model rockercover seals ? must have been a while ago the engine was build — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , custom pushrods — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , heavy adjustebles , i will mark these , to be honist i need to check the lenght , but on a XB engine still mounted with stock pushrod covers it is a pain — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , nice but heavy... i prefere custom made to lenght, they are lighter and more fool proof — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , taking off the intake manifold and top mount brackets — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , and off with the head , cumbustion chamber looks more or less stock , thick 8mm valves are mounted a little bigger than stock, need to clean and cc the head to have some numbers , intake porting looks good — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation . lot off carbon build up all ready, from hear say the engine has only run 150 km , badly — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , head gasket is normal thickness — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , big astrays smile-emoticon — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , ok so off with the rear — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation... i wonder this is causiing all the oil sweating. the rubber base gaskets for the rocker covers are replaced by paper ones ( that come in a comectic gasket kit ) i don't like these — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , checking deck height piston to cylinder , zero on the rear — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , and zero at front — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation, striping on the nicasil layer, i see this allot on nicasil cylinders , you can feel the surface roughness change on the stipes — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , the skirts are very thin, but no cracks yet, you see room is needed to get to big cylinder in a small case so they would not tough each other , the other cut out is for the oil yets — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , base gasket is also stock thickness — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation, a better look at the striping, don't like this, i wonder if the first start up was done correctly ( coat the cylinders and rings liberaly with redline assembly lube ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , piston pins out , with a puller you don't load the bigend bearings — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , piston valve pockets are the same size , but still there orientated — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , and the rear one has a cut out not to tough the front piston skirt.. — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation, as they are directional orientated, checking the piston pin off set, yep they are.. good thing — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

XB12 Big bore investigation , very little alumium left in the case with a big bore, the center bolt between the cylinders can not be mounted back wink-emoticon — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.