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4-7-15 X1 get'r running, Uly error light Norkapp
6-7-2015 - What did we do today 4-7-15 X1 get'r running, Uly error light Norkapp traveler , XB check up
X1 get'r running, ok she want's to run, but not happy every 3 seconds a loud bang from the exhaust... investigating what they have done to the ignition... used the original coil feed.. no into a single fire coil
X1 get'r running, noticed the pickup wire was missing.. looking under the cap you got to be kidding... contact points... i'm starting te feel a little out off my comfort zone, last time i thoughts contact point is long long time ago on my BSA , pritty sure this makes the bike spart at the wrong time, and it douse not even feel there is a mechanical retarder in :-X
Uly with error light about to leave for the Nordkapp , little thing as the still mounted exhaust solinoid was still in the bike, i disabled it so the error light douse not turn on anymore, have a good and safe trip guys
Xb12Sx 2010 check up , as the historie is not really known , nice bike
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, customer told me there was little to no gear box oil in, that is why the first wanted me to have a look at the bike before she started to ride with... looking at it looks like nothing serious happened with out the gearbox oil
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, so gearbox oil to level adjusting the clutch
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, new filter on
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, wheel bearings rear could do with new ones... notice the wheels have been changed for a early 2 bearing wheel , a swap for colour i presume
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, belt is ok
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, primairy chain checked and tensioned ( this one ware very hard with out gearbox oil )
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, grade 7 spark plug recently replaced... not good, for a sportster perhaps , not for a Buell
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, screw swap
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, airbox off and rear spark plug... happy happy ... the old one needed to be forced out , cross threaded ... dham... that is way you need to screw these in by hand or a piece off oil hose
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, trying to fix it with a chaser.... is not working
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, need to make a thread insert for this, the self centering tap that comes with the kit put some thick grease on it to catch debris , make sure the piston is down,,
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, after tapping, blow out the cylinder very good ( needle airgun in the cylinder ) to blow out any debris that could be falling in
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, gap the spark plug , and screw in the thread insert and screw theme in the freshly tapped hole, the insert will fix it self and leaves a nice and solid thread
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, air box back up with fresh airfilter
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, indicator to fast... it's a relais thing , to little resistance for the stock relais
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, mounting a LED relais, but need the change the pinning in the connector, the feed and ground needs to be swapped
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, easy , and indicators blink normal speed
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, front end time
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, these screws have become freaking expencife , and calls have been made to manifactors to custom make these to replace the originals, but with heads like this i will not screw this back in , and leave the next person to struggle with it
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, carefull to aline the 8 piston caliper slots on the wheel to prevent damage
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, fork out for oil change
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, front end back in , brake fluid change... little full !!
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, i put some fresh fluid in and keep the level a little lower
Xb12Sx 2010 check up,noticed by wiggling the ground cable is loos in the terminal... i recrimp it so it has good connection
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, common problem... crappy bar end plug to hold mirrors, only a light tough and they move
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, well we have something nice for this.. very strong and solid bar end plugs and there very heavy so they also take the edge off vibrations look here:
Xb12Sx 2010 check up,and they work perfect for bar end mirrors making it a solid mounting look here:
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, warming up for oil level check
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, noticed some vibrations on the seat lock bracket
Xb12Sx 2010 check up, ok no screws, will put some on