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26-6-2015 Xb Check up with repairs, XB Belt quicky

28-6-2015 - What did we do today 26-6-2015 Xb Check up with repairs, XB Belt quicky

Xb12 Check up , small service and some repairs

Xb12 Check up, first things first , drain oil when hot , chin spoiler off —

Xb12 Check up, SCG really has to little clearance for the steering damper mounted like this, as it hit the fender

Xb12 Check up, Termi spoiler brackets need to loosen theme for the filter change

Xb12 Check up, the hanging bracket was not tight

Xb12 Check up, new filter on, mounting it back, fixing the 2 brackets and tighten will help mounting line up

Xb12 Check up, as the bolt was not very tight the oil pump gasket was sweating some.

Xb12 Check up, cleaned up, put a extra washer under the bracket so it clears the cover , and retightened all bolts for the oil pump cover , as they all where on the loose side —

Xb12 Check up, rear caliper off to check the wheel bearings

Xb12 Check up, bike suported and ready to remove the axle

Xb12 Check up, bearings are fine

Xb12 Check up, but the belt is starting to show cracks

Xb12 Check up, customer opted better save than sorry , so new belt to be mounted, remove the swing arm brace and foot peg plate —

Xb12 Check up, new belt on , brace in palce, foot peg plate back on and gently silde the belt in place, rotate the wheel during axle tightening

Xb12 Check up, checking primary chain, check on 3 places , was a little to loose

Xb12 Check up, checking battery poles , as the bike and battery vibrate , the bolts have a tendency to loose theme self

Xb12 Check up, front end check, ware pattern looked suspicieus , and customer confirmed he felt the brake vibrate

Xb12 Check up, compaired to the other side off the disk 

Xb12 Check up, and right fork seal is leaking

Xb12 Check up, first wheel out and disk taken off Xb12 Check up, check the hard ware, if the bushing are ok, a little loctite on the bolts and gently fasten the bolts keeping track so the bushings do not bind. our disc with warranty from bending can be found here: 

Xb12 Check up, check the hard ware, if the bushing are ok, a little loctite on the bolts and gently fasten the bolts keeping track so the bushings do not bind. our disc with warranty from bending can be found here:

Xb12 Check up, TQ the bolts to 35NM our disc with warranty from bending can be found here:


Xb12 Check up, steering damper brace off

Xb12 Check up, and front leg taken out —

Xb12 Check up, front leg apart,

Xb12 Check up, cleaning up, check for scratches 
and put some isolation tape on the sharp edges to protect the new seals while sliding theme on

Xb12 Check up, outer guide bushing can do with a new one

Xb12 Check up, new outer guide bushing on and ready to assemble

Xb12 Check up, with a seal driver , drive the seal home so it seats good , c-clip in the groove and dust seal on

Xb12 Check up, fork filled with oil , and assembled , ready to go in

Xb12 Check up, wheel and axle back in , thighten the axle , wait with the pinch bolts untill you have loaded the suspention a few times to set the legs 

Xb12 Check up, with the steap steering bar angle little difficult to get a good amount off fluid in there , replacing the fluid

Xb12 Check up, error light on all the time, as the exhaust valve was removed.. easy to mount a dongle

Xb12 Check up, loosen the ground points left seat rail

Xb12 Check up, and unplug the triangle ( 04-09 xb12 ) plug

Xb12 Check up, after removing the plug you can pull out the cable completly

Xb12 Check up, simulator plug in the orginial connector

Xb12 Check up, hook up the gounds and tighten the simulator so it will not rattle

Xb12 Check up, and check engine light is gone

Xb12 Check up, rattly number plate... when it rattles it can rattle loose. 

Xb12 Check up, some double sided tape will hold the plate and stop the rattle , test ride smile-emoticon easy on the brakes the first 100 km

XB Belt quicky... customer was pickup by the road service with a broken belt... well blind folded and one hand on my back in and out in 20 minutes max. , no need for a rental bike

XB Belt quicky., axle loose and belt guards off

XB Belt quicky, long time not seen this bike... so reallt check the bearings , still ok

XB Belt quicky. pullyes are good, the special surface is flaking a little but good to go

XB Belt quicky.belt on, brace on first before you tighten the axle

XB Belt quicky axle tightened, and pich bolt tght .ready to go