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Buell XB12 SX intake seals change and grips
19-6-2015 - What did we do today 18-6-2015 Buell XB12 SX intake seals change and replacing grips
Xb12SX intake seals, bike stalled, running bad, repair shop tried to fix it messing with the fuel mapping... but first the bike must be good... intake seals leaking
Xb12SX intake seals, strip the plastics as the engine needs to rotade , cut the zipties holding the wires on the v-brace as they can be pulled on to hard
Xb12SX intake seals, loosen the throttle cables
Xb12SX intake seals, and clutch cable loose and take out the handle , support the engine and loosen the front mount bolt
Xb12SX intake seals... ok... velocity stack not in the slot , common error
Xb12SX intake seals, with the air filter base plate off loosen the coil bolts to get the nut on the throttle cable
Xb12SX intake seals... nackered head on the middle support... mnnn again...
Xb12SX intake seals, cable brace off and remove the throtte cables and connectors and fuel line
Xb12SX intake seals, engine down and pull off the injector plugs and loosen the bolts
Xb12SX intake seals, throttle body out.. seals look bad by corrosion
Xb12SX intake seals, other one too
Xb12SX intake seals, and inside seal aria to, the white stuff in aluminium corrosion
Xb12SX intake seals, cleaned everything op and throttle bodie back on ( tip point the flanges down when sliding it in, and carefull not to knock the flanges off )
Xb12SX intake seals, throttle body on, engine back up.. adjust clutch cable again
Xb12SX intake seals, start with the plastics back on
Xb12SX intake seals, hook the throttle cables back in , and put the nuts back on the cable ends
Xb12SX intake seals, silde the lock brace on and tighten , mount the coil back in place and hook up all the connectors and fuel line
Xb12SX intake seals, base plate back on, work the seal on the velocity stack so the base plate sits in the slot
Xb12SX intake seals, new thick grips with a long screw driver and some WD40 take off the old grips
Xb12SX intake seals, as bar end mirrors are on this bike i need holes in the grips, easy way to make a nice hole , put the grips on the bar
Xb12SX intake seals, and hammer the rubber so the bar will cut the hole
Xb12SX intake seals, some pushing and pulling and the new thick grips barrel shaped are on