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22-5-2015 Tube frames in need off love.
23-5-2015 - Buell xb blowing fuses.
S3, front engine mount bolt, and oil pomp gear.
S3, yep usualy the left one.
S3, fuel tank off and support the engine to take the weight off the front mount.
S3, lot off tension, mount is off the head on the left side.
S3, now first remove the mount , center bolt out ( old style 1/2 inch.
S3, looking at the marks looks like the bolt was borken / loose.
S3, dham it, i wish the customer told me first he had tried to drill it him self and used a stud extractor , i think he drilled it with the mount still on, Dhammit , easy job just became a whole lot harder if not impossible.
S3, i could just punch the center and make a little start with a center drill.
S3, using high end dril bits normaly no problem drilling the bolts, drill out the center, step by mm at the time untill about 6 mm , but i could only go to 3 mm here, and the drill walkes out the off center hole...dammit this needs the head taken off and edm the bolt out or mill with carbide bits and restore the threads... dham , needs to call the customer about this.
X1 in need off love, bike would not run good, i was asked to have a look.
X1 in need off love, the throttle feels really funky , so first check the axle is not broken, luckaly that is not the case, but very little return spring pressure, and the butterfly would not even stay to the idle screw ..mnnn
X1 in need off love, will first fit the leaking very badly clutch cable , as i need a tray under it to collect the gearbox oil.
X1 in need off love, but why are all the cable underso much tension.. ? ok who left the engine mount bolt out ? the engine is only held up by the V-brace.
X1 in need off love, Teirods all in max with the engine down like this, and cables pulled to the max.
X1 in need off love, first i put some heat shrink over the cable to stop it from leaking, very anoying on my clean floor , the front tabs are bend inwards on the front tei rod , normaly there is a 4 mm thick washer to fill this .
X1 in need off love, and head breathers are running heavy on the frame due the the missing front engine bolt.
X1 in need off love, first basics...throttle bodie off to see what is going on.
X1 in need off love, tps wire all 3 wires are blank... problem waiting to happen.
X1 in need off love, and somebody has been working on the throttle bodie and made a plate to connect the 2 pieces, normaly there should be a bracket who connects all 3 piece, but ok the mounting bracket will hold it to.
X1 in need off love, retunr spring is put on wrong, and has no tension to pull the throttle to the idle screw.
X1 in need off love, and a home made throttle shaft ? could be the reason it was taken apart.
X1 in need off love, ok spring back on correct,
X1 in need off love, as the customer brought in a few injectors, as to be a suspect... tested, these are perfect.
X1 in need off love, little injector o-ring is not , will out some nre ones back on.
X1 in need off love, new tps sensor on, and lying up the throttle bodie.
X1 in need off love, engine back to normal position , bolt and spacer rings mounted.
X1 in need off love, the cut off piece of the D washer needs to point forwards not to ram in to the frame if the engine moves in the rubbers.
X1 in need off love, ha nice , can adjust and set the tps and the throttle douse not feel funky anymore.
X1 in need off love, and ps, the belt should not run so tight.
X1 in need off love, so finaly can start looking for the problem.
XB blowing fuses.. key switch fuse keeps blowing, when you turn the handle bar , mnnn wire harness on the steering head off course first suspect.
XB blowing fuses., for easy acces , lift the front and take out the left front leg.
XB blowing fuses., mnnn.
XB blowing fuses., stripped the harness and yep.. there she is , rubbing feed to ground makes fuses pop like popcorn.
XB blowing fuses., wires isolated and wire loom isolated and protected against rubbing , and rebuilding it