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23-4-2015 1125 clutch wheep, M2 fork oil.
24-4-2015 - 1125R clutch wheep, nice bike
1125R clutch wheep, tell tail signs off a leaking clutch, take off the right flower fairing.
1125R clutch wheep, cap off and remove the pulling nut.
1125R clutch wheep, banjo connector off , loosen the cover screws and carefull pry off the membrame.
1125R clutch wheep, remove the c-clip from the inside off the cover.
1125R clutch wheep, cover on a flat surface, and give it a tap, the old cylinder will come out.
1125R clutch wheep, becare full when you press the new cylinder in... o-ring did bite, can happen sometimes, make sure the inside off the cover the edges are smooth.. when this happens take a new o-ring or re-used one from the old cylinder, and uses some rubber lube to mount.
1125R clutch wheep, nice Oberon clutch slave
1125R clutch wheep, and bleed the system.
1125R clutch wheep, i felt some thing in the front while pushing the bike in... let me check your bearings....
1125R clutch wheep, good thing we did, the front ones where about gone ..
M2 front fork oil change ,yes not a stock fork, as these have been changed to the WP ones.
M2 front fork oil change, and some nice hardware i need to say.
M2 front fork oil change, removing the brake caliper can be tricky, as it will not come off with out damaging the wheel.. best thing to do is to loosen the disk bolts a little.
M2 front fork oil change, and you can take off the caliper with pads and all.
M2 front fork oil change, loosen forks and steering damper.
M2 front fork oil change, little protection on the top caps.
M2 front fork oil change, with the cap loose, you can just pop it off , and compress the spring by hand to take off the holder disk ,mounting is harder as you don't have enough hands.
M2 front fork oil change, the old WP forks... one is only compression and the other one is only rebound.
M2 front fork oil change, check the height in the tripple T and mount it back the same.
M2 front fork oil change, holding down the spring works better to put the rings back on.
M2 front fork oil change, as this is a custome axle, no hole for the screw driver to lock the axle, i put he axle in as far as it goose, and tighten the pinch bolts, so i can tighten the axle nut , and loosen the pinch bolts after, to set the forks first.
M2 front fork oil change, caliper back on , and tw down to specs.
M2 front fork oil change, and re tq the disk bolts.
M2 front fork oil change, a light loctite on the fender nuts, so they don't have to be on very tight ( on the carbon fender )
M2 front fork oil change, and brake fluid change.
M2 front fork oil change, rear system is dot 5.. ok i will stay with this.