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8-4-2015 Xb service , Xb hot seat.

9-4-2015 - very nice Firebolt , in for a service check , heating upt he bike.


Firebolt service, comman problem.. seat not mounted corretly , bracket broke.


Firebolt service, clutch cable sweating.


Firebolt service, micron chin spoiler bracket off to change the oil filter.


Firebolt service, front spark plug change from below.


Firebolt service, new filter on , mount the bracket back on.


Firebolt service, easy oil filling with out passenger pegs;-).


Firebolt service, belt check.. still ok.


Firebolt service, as are the wheel bearings.


Firebolt service, on threath rivet was a little loose, pull this tight again , with heavy duty rivit puller.


Firebolt service, front plug in and cable connected.


Firebolt service, front wheel check and service , as expected in perfect condition.


Firebolt service,, the "hard " plug ,need to remove the air box for easy acces.


Firebolt service, check the plug wires and conenctions for corrosion.


Firebolt service, battery check, and tighen the connections .


Firebolt service,, staighten out the seat bracket and uses a pop rivit to secure it ( subframe and bracket is from Aluminium )


Firebolt service, brake fluid change.


Firebolt service, and don't forget the rear fluid.


Firebolt service, the plastic tab from the seat was also bent , with a little heat straiten this out so it will hook under the bracket , and test ride.


XB hot seat, customer complaided the seat was very hot and the bike did not run very well... mnnn ok


XB hot seat, hot seat indeed , the plastic was melting.


XB hot seat, making ready to drop the engine.


XB hot seat, left side clear an loose.


XB hot seat, why did the O2 sensor broke ? wel it aint the km done ( only 3000 km on the bike ) but being a Scg the exhaust is low, loking at the marks i think drivong off a sidewalk has broken the front exhaust support , this will put allot off stress on the headers.


XB hot seat, as the Euro 08- up headers are very thin , they can not have much stress, and a front stud broke.


XB hot seat, and the rear 02 bung broke out.


XB hot seat, with engine rotated down, with a long extension you can reach the nuts.


XB hot seat, header out, cracks all around.


XB hot seat, using the jims stud removal tool to dril the broken stud out, i use drill bit extentions to make live a little easyer.


XB hot seat, old stud drilled out.


XB hot seat, and retapping the threads.


XB hot seat, new stud in and gasket.


XB hot seat, and header om the bike and ready to rotate up again.