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26-3-2015 X1 making it run again.

27-3-2015 - X1 making it run again, customer brought in his X1, it was left aside for some time , as it would not run with out problems.


X1 making it run again, battery charged, contact on to see what is happening... the smell off stale fuel is overwelming , as it seams to leak, will fix this first, as with the fuel pressure a safety issue.


X1 making it run again,lifted the fuel tank... no hose clamps


X1 making it run again,, and this hose is leaking, the pinch clamp is fully on, but i can still rotated the hose.


X1 making it run again, lovely amber smelly fuel , i will drain the tank and put some fresh fuel in.


X1 making it run again, looky here.. problem number 1, ground connections broke off.


X1 making it run again, number 2, battery poles loose and the cable can not be tightened it needs some spacers.


X1 making it run again, ground connections back on.


X1 making it run again, battery poles mounted with spacing rings.


X1 making it run again, trying to start.. with out fuel tank on.. engine turns now.


X1 making it run again, i guess the start inhibiter system was acting up , as the side stand switch is hot wired.


X1 making it run again, as is the clutch lever switch, i think the neutral switch douse not give enought ground anymore, enough to light the light , but not enough ground to free the starter circuit completely.


X1 making it run again, draning the old fue.


X1 making it run again,some fresh fuel in and she runs , not nice , detected leaking intake seals ,l and error lights active from the intake air sensor.


X1 making it run again,removing the airfilter.


X1 making it run again, breather bolts loose and no gasket rings , will make a dirty mess off it.


X1 making it run again,looks like i found the error code , wire rubbing the frame.


X1 making it run again, leaking right front seals.


X1 making it run again, after discussing the repairs with the customer , i start with the intake seals , taking off the dirty pieces.


X1 making it run again, removing the throttle body, the bolts where also not tight.


X1 making it run again, cleaning and new seals on.


X1 making it run again, noticed the injector wire have been rubbing to , will free these and route theme a little better ( the wires are usualy to tight anyway, with the engine rocking around it stresses the wires )


X1 making it run again,lining up the manifold before tightening the bolts.


X1 making it run again, clean and new washers and hydraulic loctite on the banjo bolts for leaking and securing.


X1 making it run again,intake air sensor wires out off the connector,


X1 making it run again, shortened the wires to cut off the open piece, and new terminals on.


X1 making it run again, testing, and still the error code and adaptive value off 26 deg. sensor is also broken.


X1 making it run again, on with the service... wrong heat range sparkplugs , will put the right ones in.


X1 making it run again,exhaust removed and drain the gearbox oil and the engine oil.


X1 making it run again, clutch adjuster locking nut spring is broken.


X1 making it run again,and the clutch is adjusted way to tight as there is no free play.


X1 making it run again,will also put a new cover seal in, was glued in with silicone, but the rubber is hardened after so many years.


X1 making it run again, gearbox oil to level , mechanisme adjusted , lighly bottoming and 1/4 off , new locking spring on the lock nut.


X1 making it run again, primairy chain tension check.


X1 making it run again, and oil filter replacement using a cut open old oil bottle makes less mess.