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18-3-2015 Uly no drive, Xb problem child.
19-3-2015 - Uly no drive, bike was stranded, and did not seam to start anymore, after checking some basics, look primary drive problem.
Uly no drive gearbox drain plug look promising.
Uly no drive , no problem using your own screws... but make sure you can tighten theme enough... this one was to loose and left the lever rattling, the vibrations will ware out the splines.
Uly no drive , primary cover off... tensioner debris ? noop magnet pieces !
Uly no drive , unscrewing this nut by hand is really bad.
Uly no drive , and the sprocket / chain moving around did leave its marks in the cover.
Uly no drive , o man... this one is not leaving for a while , the black parts are the magnets off the rotor they have all been knocked off , and a few been schredded to pieces.
Uly no drive , what is worse, the loose sprocket is been running over the spines and have completely worn these off.
Uly no drive , inside rotor.
Uly no drive , other look on the crank, hard lesson to learn..., tighten and use loctite ( customer told me he had the chain and stator recently replaced )
Xb problem child, prepairing other manifold.
Xb problem child injectors / fuel rail out and tps sensor off.
Xb problem child ,mounting our replacement throttle shaft
Xb problem child , lining up the valve to put the screw in with loctite
Xb problem child spring bushing and return spring on
Xb problem child , start the TPS sensor a little out off line and turn it to the mounting screws ( clock wise ) so to be sure the sensor is taking the notches.
Xb problem child , cable cam back on , and idle adjuster cable in, as we need to set the tps, i leave the cable off the stop.
Xb problem child , and injectors in , ready to mount and test.