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20-2-2015 Xb engine strip and XR repairs.
21-2-2015 - Buell Xb engine strip. HDXR1200 repairs and modifications.
Xb engine strip , further where we stopped yesterday, taking advantage of the rear engine mount rubbers are loose ( normaly they are fixed to getter )
Xb engine strip , rocker box covers off.
Xb engine strip , and the rocker box it self , slow ly releasing the valve spring pressure.
Xb engine strip , front same story.
Xb engine strip , pushrods out, tag and bag for safe storeing.
Xb engine strip , head bolts, need a breaker bar.
Xb engine strip , yep the rust.
Xb engine strip pulled the rear head off, looks very good ( 35000 km )
Xb engine strip, and the heads / valves look also nice, good combustion.
Xb engine strip , but i don't like the scratches... deep enough to feel with your finger.
Xb engine strip, and there running down all the way.
Xb engine strip , use some length off 3/8 oil hose over the studs , not to damage the pistons, and pulling out the wrist pin, if you don't have a puller, don't knock theme out.. but heat up the piston with a head gun.
Xb engine strip , wrist pin should slide with our play, noticeble play on the bushing.
Xb engine strip , front cylinder off to, removing the cam cover.
Xb engine strip , and take out the cams.
Xb engine strip. little marking on cam No.4
Xb engine strip , hard to tell no. 4 lifter wheel also looks marked.
Xb engine strip , the cam bushings look good.
Xb engine strip , oil pump gear also no where noticeble.
Xb engine strip, time to split the cases.
Xb engine strip , tapping all around to break the seal.
Xb engine strip , tilt the engine on the right side ( don't rest it on the pignon shaft ) and wiggle the left side off, it come out with the gearbox.
Xb engine strip, the cause off the debris.
Xb engine strip, bearing surface is peeling out.
Xb engine strip , and the rollers the same signs , need to say, just in time, this will get really bad very fast.
Xb engine strip , sprocket shaft bearing looks good , big end bearings are also feeling good.
Xb engine strip , bearing to , need to call the customer to discus repairs.
XR1200 repairs and mods.
XR1200 repairs and mods, customer told me some screws where not good, metric in a UNC hole is just wrong.
XR1200 repairs and mods, bike need a new battery and indicator light set, so i start with this repair .
XR1200 repairs and mods, i just don't like this system, fiddeling around with battery connections while holding the battery in one hand.
XR1200 repairs and mods, oil tank cover off to adapt the wire harness for the new indicators.
XR1200 repairs and mods, fuel tank off , unplug the pump connector , quick adaptor , ground wire and breather hose.
XR1200 repairs and mods, loosen the front and rear tanks mounts, remove the airfilter and pull off the tank.
XR1200 repairs and mods, original indicator wire connector is under the tank,.
XR1200 repairs and mods, take out the terminals as the wires need to be removed.
XR1200 repairs and mods, running a thread chacher in the new indicators as the stud almost binded.
XR1200 repairs and mods, 1 down 3 to go.
XR1200 repairs and mods, removing the short tail light to remove the protective plate.
XR1200 repairs and mods, the screw in the middle needs to be removed.
XR1200 repairs and mods, protective plate off , and acces to the rear light module.
XR1200 repairs and mods, new indicators on.
XR1200 repairs and mods, now first the aditional wire loom as these indicators run on 3 volts aditional wireing and a module needs to be mounted, taking out the tts module to plug in the adaptor.
XR1200 repairs and mods, normaly the 3 volt steering module is mounted on the frame pipe , but the o2 sensor blocks this position.
XR1200 repairs and mods, where should i put it smile-emoticonthere is really little room on a XR1200 for aditional parts, but on the tail light protective plate there is room, anly need to lenghten the input wires.