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20-11-2014 Xb12 200 rear tyre XB12X little repair
21-11-2014 - Buell XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, long story short , customer came in for a belt change , wheel back from the powder coater , the wheel is even wider than the old tyre. Buell Xb12x Little crash repairs.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, long story short , customer came in for a belt change , wheel back from the powder coater , the wheel is even wider than the old tyre
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, mounting back the disk and pulley after cleaning the threads.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, valve back in.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, pulley back on.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, use loc tire.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, and TQ down the bolts.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre pressing in the bearings.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, and mounting the tyre,.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, almost forgot bike needs a new belt ,
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, place the swing arm brace back before you tighten the axle.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, rear axle to TQ.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, yep looks good.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, 200 is as wide as it can be, just enough clearance in the rear fender , and upper belt guard.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, enough clearance to the belt, but no room for the 2 piece ( 2006 & up ) lower belt guard.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, heel protector back.
XB12 wider wheel, fat 200 tyre, yep looks really nice.
Xb12x Little crash, customer was surprised by a car full braking just in front off him, and bumped in to the car, little inspection, all looks good, minor damage, the impact did blow the front for seal.
Xb12x Little crash, pich bolt loose.
Xb12x Little crash, and get the axle out, inspect the front axle for staidness with crashes like this , this one is still ok.
Xb12x Little crash, front leg out.
Xb12x Little crash, and top cap off.
Xb12x Little crash, push off the dust seal, and take out the c-clip keeping it safe around the dust seal so it cannot damage the slider.
Xb12x Little crash, and use the lower leg like a slide hammer to tap the oil seal out.
Xb12x Little crash, and the 2 main pieces off the front leg come apart.
Xb12x Little crash, inspect the guide bushings to see if the teflon coating is still ok and not worn out.
Xb12x Little crash, after cleaning , new dust seal on ( position the c-clip on it
Xb12x Little crash, oil seal back on and the guide bushings , and a mounring tool is very usefull the tap the seal in place
Xb12x Little crash, and secure the oil seal with the c-clip.
Xb12x Little crash, refill with fresh oil , the front fork can put back in.
Xb12x Little crash, as i pushed in the bike, pulling the front brakes i could here the steering head bearing knock , with the front supported, loosen the other front fork lower triple t clamp.
Xb12x Little crash, loosen the steering stem nut pich bolt.
Xb12x Little crash, remove the handle bar ( 2 pair off hands are very useful here ) , and loosen the steering stem nut, and retighte it.
Xb12x Little crash, handle bar back on , and tighten the pinch bolt.
Xb12x Little crash, and tighten the lower triple T clamp bolts on bought legs , load the suspention a few times and tighten the axle pinch bolts.
Xb12x Little crash, clutch lever removal can be a pain, with hand guards as the screws are in with loctite, use a head gun to heat op the screw s , with out you will slip the philips head screws.
Xb12x Little crash,broke clutch lever out and new one in.