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12-11-2014 Buell XB12 2010 and 2009 Service

18-2-2015 - Buell Xb12 2010 Service & Remus exhaust mounting, Buell X1 little mishap repair, Buell Xb12SS 2009 service.

XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust , heating up for oil change.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, draining the engine oil while hot.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, checking the primary chain tension.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, removing the rear wheel to check the bearings, and taking off the belt tension to remove the original exhaust.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, with the belt tension off , you can remove the idler pulley assembly.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, and remove the front hanger bolt , loosening the front strap a little and loosening the clamp.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, and exhaust can be taken off.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, new remus exhaust with E-mark


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, take the front strap hanger and using the strap supplied in the box , mount it on the front , reuse the exhaust clamp from the stock exhaust.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, the DB eaters are mounted out off the factory with rivits , as the exhaust officialy is e-mark with db eaters, the db eater are easy to place back and screws for mounting are supplied in the box.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, the 2 Db eaters out.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, reusing the original rear exhaust straps.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, and tighten the clamps.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, belt idler pulley back on.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus exhaust, oil filter back on


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus, don't forget the spacer on the 2010 3 bearing wheels.


XB12Scg 2010 service and mounting remus, checked front wheel, replaced brake fluid and updated the fuel mapping... ready to test ride.


X1 mishap... Customer came to pick up his bike, and only got 2 corners far, as a car did not see him and forced he bike out off balance , customer could only drop it slowly to the ground, ending up with a bend handle bar and broken clutch lever and some minor scratches.


X1 mishap, removing the handle bar switches and brake cylinder.


X1 mishap, unhooking the clutch cable.


X1 mishap, we could get the grip off with out damage removing the clutch lever assembly.


X1 mishap, new bar on , measuring if it is in the middle


X1 mishap, new bar on, and clutch lever replacing the broken lever


X1 mishap, new lever, some grease to lubricate it


X1 mishap, grip glued back on.


X1 mishap, and loosening the front end to straiten the tripple t ,as they twist easy dropping the bike on the handle bar .


XB12SS, service , black is beautiful.


XB12SS, service, oil chance and checking the primary chain.


XB12SS, service rear wheel check on bearings, and check the belt.


XB12SS, service, off course also front wheel bearings check.


XB12SS, service, a little more noise was requested , as we cannot do anything to the exhaust, drilling the inner airbox cover will give a more noise experience and will help to keep more power when the bike is hot ,as the intake air & sensor stay cooler.