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05-11-2014 Buell XB Primary cover coating M2 88CI.
18-11-2014 - Buell Xb Primary cover / coating. Buell M2 88 making ready for first start up.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover had a big scratch from the shift lever, temper airy cover was placed and the cover from the bike was send out to the coater.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, as Black is beautiful, the original coating was media blasted off , and powder coated satin finish black.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, all hard ware was removed from the cover, pressing back the snifter shaft bearing
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, the screw holes where plugged, but it never hurts, a set off threath chasers to clean out are very handy , the primairy tensioner hole
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, drain plug hole.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, the screw holes for the covers , and the clutch cable hole.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover,
new shifter shaft oil seal tapped in
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, new primary gasket, position over the front and rear dowl
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, sliding the cover over the shifter shaft, help with your fingers the primary chain over the tensioner shoe ( bottom view )
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, front view, and push the cover on.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, after racing with buell's i have made it a habit to use loctide on the screws, i have seen theme come loose.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, torq the cover down 14NM start in the middle off the cover , and spiral out to the front and rear.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, new O-ring for the clutch cable , don't screw the cable in when it is bend the twisting can cause it to leak
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, and new O-ring on the drain plug
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, after filling the gearbox oil , hook in the cable end adaptor outside the primary cover , so you can not drop it in the cover.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, hook in the clutch mechanism.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, and put the mechanism to its place , screw the adjuster screw on, lightly bottoming and 1/4 turn loose , you should be able to move the arm a little.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, lock nut an holder spring back on , and put the cover on.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, feed the clutch cable though the upper triple T hole, you will need to move the throttle cables / switch cables aside.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover,mounting bracket back on the front Tiebar bolt.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover,and hook the clutch cable in the lever.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover,and adjust the outer cable adjuster so the clutch lever has 2 to 3 mm play.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, slide the gater back over the adjuster and crew on the cable bracket.
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, new plug in the loose hole
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, loosely fitting the old shifter mechanism ( new levers are still in order ) to shift the gears to adjust the primary chain
XB12 damage repair, the primary cover, primary chain adjusted to specifiation , and close the inspection cover, the shift lever part will be in end this week.
M2 88, making ready for start up, checking the jetting.. to know where we are, and if this will be good for start up, main jet.
M2 88, making ready for start up, pilot ( idle jet )
M2 88, making ready for start up,and acceraration jet size, all good for start up.
M2 88, making ready for start up, prime the oil filter before you screw it on.
M2 88, making ready for start up, spark plugs out.. and ignition coil feed off.
M2 88, making ready for start up, and HSR42 on.
M2 88, making ready for start up, using the mount bracket to line out the carb.
M2 88, making ready for start up, system check... especial oil pressure light.
M2 88, making ready for start up, now first rotate the engine a few times in 5e gear by turning the rear wheel, to feel if everthing is working properly.. now starting for oil pressure, i prefer to uses a little air pressure in the oil tank, to help the oil pump to get as fast as possible oil every where , so the oil pressure can build , it can take a very long time before the oil reaches the heads.
M2 88, making ready for start up, with a little air pressure in the oil tank, with in a few seconded turning the engine on the starter motor oil pressure is there and light is out.. to morrow start up.