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29-10-2014, XB12 cooling fan and handle bar swap.
31-10-2014 - Buell XB12X cooling fan. Buell XB12S service. Buell XB12 handle bar swap.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, fuse broke several times , and finally the cooling fan gave up completely.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, with so many KM and still the original fan.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, as removing the shock to acces the cooling fan is the easiest way, put the rear off the bike in the hoist to get the weight off the shock absorber.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, removing the holder for the pressure canister.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, loosen the lower bolt.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, and loosen the top bolt.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, hoist the tail off the bike a little up and gently tilt the shock out ( i left the remote preload adjuster connected as one bolt was seized )
XB12X, cooling fan problems, with the shock out off the way, the cooling fan can be accessed.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, and the 4 scews removed.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, on the long frame models removing the brake fluid canister will help.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, pull the fan on the bottom, and put it out , loosen the connector.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, a few years off dirt has been collecting.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, a little cleaning is easy now.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, place the old grill on the new fan, do this now as you can not reach the screw when the fan is in
XB12X, cooling fan problems, sliding back the fan, make sure you plug in the connector first.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, shock back up.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, and mounting bolts back in.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, holder clip screwed back on.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, ecm holder nut, can be a pain, holding it in place with a finger so the nut will stick.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, gearbox breather hose with zip ty to the shock.
XB12X, cooling fan problems, replacing the fuse and testing the fan on function , good to go for a other 90000 km.
Buell Xb12S, service , running warm to heat up the oil , and checking how it runs ( intake seal leak test )
Buell Xb12S, service, cracked chinspoiler, we mount a Carbon fiber one, made from one piece, this can hold the vibrations much better.
Buell Xb12S, service, engine oil and gearbox drain.
Buell Xb12S, service, new oil filter on.
Buell Xb12S, service, checking the belt and wheel bearings.
Buell Xb12S, service, brake pads rear are not lasting untill the next service , better replace them now before they end metal on metal on the brake disk , as the pads are cheap, a new disk is more expensive.
Buell Xb12S, service, new pads in
Buell Xb12S, service,, front fork out, checking the steering head bearings, and front wheel bearings.
Buell Xb12S, service,, front fork oil change.
Buell Xb12S, service,and brake fluid change , ready for the winter.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, our painter has made the damage on the frame very nice again.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, now for the rest clutch lever and handle bar.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, grips, and switched off.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, and new handle bar on, the customer wanted a Nice Black one . little wider
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair,new bar on, measure out clutch lever and switch housing.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair,with a little painters tape pushing the switch housing will leave a mark where the positioning hole should come.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, drilling the hole, so the switch will not rotated on the handle bar.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, glue aplied to ensure the new grip will not twist during rain.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, and nice new lever mounted , black to match the handle bar
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, as the new bar is a little wider, it can be needed to lenghten the switch wiring, the cables are long enough, but cutting the ziptie will give it more room.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, the brake line was also a little to tight , but enough length to make it, unscrewing the banjo bolt just a fraction and twist the banjo will give the brake line more length.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, oil cooler cover had also scratches.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, new cover mounted.
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, the customer also wanted new mirrors, as they will be bar end mirrors the original mirror holes will be pluged .looks so much better
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, mirror adapters mounted
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair,and nice bar end mirrors , we really like these
XB12SS handle bar replacement / crash repair, and offcourse left one
Buell X1, beautiful X1 for pre winter check.
Buell X1 pre winter check, draining oil, some oil drain guides helps allot.
Buell X1 pre winter check, oil drain funnel for the gearbox oil , so the exhaust douse not have to be removed.
Buell X1 pre winter check, and a oil drain guide for the oil filter, saves allot off cleaning .