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10-10-2014 M2 88 CI TQ engine , XR1200 HPA and map
3-2-2015 - Buell M2 88 CI TQ engine, will be a TQ monster. HD XR1200 , HPA mounting and mapping up date.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, will be a TQ monster, special rods ( took for ever to get here, pistons and heads matched, mid range cams, custom lenght pushrods... ect ect ) new main shaft bearings pulled in.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, , and secure the c-clip.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, prelube the oil seal lip and pressed in.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, , new blind bearing for the shifter drum.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, and new blind bearing for the counter shaft.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, Oil seal crank in, remember the with a 1 spring lip, facing in !!
M2 88 CI TQ engine, new mainshaft needle bearings, this box will get allot off TQ for it's teeth, bearings with the smallest dough replace theme.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, and 5e gear pulled in.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, clean the spacer with some fine scotchbrite wool, to remove the previous marks on the spacer.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, stator, some silicone to bed the wires and seal the rubber plug.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, gearbox, for the rest in good condition, ready to go in.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, and TQ down the 5 gearbox bolts.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, detent plate back in place ( note this is the new model plate , if you have one with round profile ( pre 2000 ) replace this with this one check if the pins on the shifter drum are all the same lenght, tap theme to the same lenght if there not.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, shifter mechinisme basic adjustment , gearbox in 3 gear, and a 3 mm dril bit to the shifter pal.
M2 88 CI TQ engine,other side, fixing wires , there are 2 triangle plugs , one grey, one black don't mix theme up ;- ) ( you can follow the wire colors from the ignition pick up )
M2 88 CI TQ engine, starter motor back in.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, power plug to the startmotor don't forget the bike electrics feed is also on this terminal.
M2 88 CI TQ engine,front pulley on, nice and light weight steel one ( customized )
M2 88 CI TQ engine, and off course a Jims nut
M2 88 CI TQ engine, stator to regulator plug is not really very nice... but when fixed with a zipty it will do.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, liquid Teflon tape to seal the oil hose feed to the filter.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, and fitted to the new oil pomp , with the techno flex suspention not ideal , but it runs free with out being pinched.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, tidy up the wiring.
M2 88 CI TQ engine, and the super nice suspension mounted, note the cam cover cutting job and inspection plug for the oil pomp gear, this guy loves his bike
XR1200 , HPA mounting and mapping up date, nice bike lot off small and bigger details.
XR1200 , HPA mounting.
XR1200 , HPA mounting, first the fuel tank cover off, take out the east-west-south-north screws.
XR1200 , HPA mounting, the 2 T27 screws holding the airfilter box out, and the front and rear fuel tank mounting screws out.
XR1200 , HPA mounting, now you can lift the tank some and pull off the airfilter box, use a needle noose pliers for the breather hose clips.
XR1200 , HPA mounting, underside was a bit messy, as the breather hoses have become a little crunchy.
XR1200 , HPA mounting,little clean up , check the butterfly plate so the crews are tight, and mount the euroflapper dongle.
XR1200 , HPA mounting, new breather hoses in the HPA airbox they will become over time a little crunchy.
XR1200 , HPA mounting, mount filter and inside breather T joints do it will point into the velocity stack.
XR1200 , HPA mounting, and put the HPA box on the bike , easy power , and a little more induction noise
XR1200 , HPA mounting, fuel tank bolts back on and line out the cover to mount the bolts, make sure the cover hooks in the rear notched ( they can be a pain )
XR1200 , HPA mounting, and upgrading the TTS mapping, im sure the customer will like it