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13-8-2014 Xb rear tyre swap, M2 gear box part 2.

4-3-2015 - Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap. Buell XB9SX, short circuit after battery change. Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2.

Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap.


Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap, rear caliper off.


Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap , axle pinch bolt loose.


Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap, yep good as done, left a little on the corners.


Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap, inner belt protector off.


Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap , cords showing on the other side off the tyre.


Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap , tyre on, and wheel back in.


Buell Xb12X, early morning tyre swap , fresh rubber sould last for some time.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, customer got a battery for a local part shop, sold him a wrong battery, ( poles other way around ) customer did noticed this after the ignition fuse broke, and even with old battery in the fuse kept breaking.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, testing and trying.. but after pulling out ecm connectors, and relais, and one by one putting things back in, the one thing that popped the fuse right away was the inhibiter diode, while it tested good, with new Diode in, everything worked out good again... strange !? neutral switch was not working after.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, yep neutral switch is bad , way to much resistance.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, started the bike up, after diode check on the regulator,was fine, and bike is charging.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, front pulley off and old switch out.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, new switch in.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, neutral light is also working again.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, put a little loctite on the lock plate bolts, have seen theme come out and make a hole in the belt.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change,, belt back to tension ( axle tightening ) don't forget the pinch bolt.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, and replace the bad battery.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change,using spacers ( come with the battery ) so the connections are flat and good.


XB9SX, short circuit after battery change, and the battery holding strap back on.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2... talking to the customer it was already a little better, but i was not happy with it , and asked if i could have a other try, to fix the problem.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, exhaust off , drain the oil in a clean tray , and remove the primairy cover.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, clutch pulling plate off to get to the nut.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, and take off the primairy drive.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, i noticed some play on the shifter fork, 1e gear i could easy move this in the path way on the drum 3 to 4 mm.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, ok box out , detent plate off.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, working systematically with gear boxes is a must , saves allot off time, counting teeth.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, i will change the 1e gear sprocket to.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, and the shifting part for the 1e gear, as it did have some nasty burrs.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, play in the shifter drum.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, a good 3 to 4 mm, douse not help as the gear in max play outer position is really only 1 to 2 mm engaged on the dogs.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, now i did see this trick before on a Sportster gearbox... i will give it a go, need not allot off tension, as the shifter fork slides really easy.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, box back in.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, primairy back on.


Buell M2, delay in 1e gear , part 2, and exhaust back on, test ride  nice... long test ride... and could not reproduce the delay in first gear  Link to Torque Hammer exaust 2 inch: