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1-8-2014, xb12SS 09 Service, exhaust studs repair.

2-8-2014 - Buell XB12SS 2009 service. Buell Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs.

Buell XB12SS 2009, very nice bike, for service.


Buell XB12SS 2009, very nice bike, for service.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service , left side all in one , drain fluids, covers off.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, i like to put a little hydralic sealer on the drain plugs.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, Oil filter off.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, prime new filter before mounting.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, gearbox oil back in.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, and clutch mechanism back on, screw driver trough the hole helps to start the nut.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, adjusted, new gasket on, white stripe on the front ( gasket is not symmetrical )


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, engine oil , a little less than needed, check level after warming up the engine.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, aftermarket filler cap, i miss something ? !


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, i will put a new O-ring on .


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, adjusting chain tension.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, plugs where already changed by some one.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, now i don't mind a other brand, and even a the lower heat grade, but check and set the gap..please.. there not good out the box ( the old ones where 0.6 mm ) and they really like 0,9 to 1 mm, when hunting problems ect. these are all little things.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, check if the plug connector is good on the plug.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, i see these been pushed to the plug but not on.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, belt check, with a nice bike with all paint work, and 190 rear tyre, i like to remove the inner belt cover when removing the rear wheel.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, rear bearings are good to go.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, cleaning up the mess.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, as discussed with customer , fix only the lower part, the color will be very soon the same.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, air filter check, and clean.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, rear plug wire corroded connections.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, and plug douse not look good to, i will take a new plug wire.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, for the rear plug wire, i like to first put it on the plug and than connect to the coil special pliers will help.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, airbox base plate back on, mind the velocity stack rubber , the plate needs to go inbetween the slot.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, checking battery connections if they are still tight.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, rear brake fluid change.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, front end check and service.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, wheel bearings are good to go.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, front fork, dham big key hangers they will always leave a mark on the legs.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, front back in, lube the axle.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, brake fluid front change.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, when the front wheel / forks have been out, thighten the front axle and push the front suspention a few times to set the front fork.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, than tighten the pinch bolts.


Buell XB12SS 2009, service, test ride  and final oil lever check.


Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, o joy not a fun job, with a drilling plate it become more easy, but when bought are broken, still not easy.



Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, made a looooong dril so i can put some weight in the battle , low rpm , high pressure, high quality drill bit , makes drilling allot easier.


Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, one down, one to go..


Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, 2 down... but as i expected they are a little off, difficult to get a good alinement with bought studs broke, not really a big deal, but check the flange before you try to mount the exhaust, i needed to open up the holes in the flange a little so it would go on good an would center the exhaust pipe.


Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, putting back the pieces.


Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, and she is a live again, i need to say with 82000 km the engine runs really nice.


Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, just little things i noticed, needed to pull the clutch lever to start, can be the neutral switch, but also the Diode.


Xb12S, oil pump gear, fixing the broken studs, diode the other way around, and everything works again like it was intended.