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24-7-2014 Xr1200 service and cruise kit , Xb steer
29-7-2014 - Harley Davidson Xr1200X, Service and Cruise kit. Buell Xb12X, steering damper.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,, black always looks good.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit, oil drain after the engine has just run , to get the most out off the oil tank.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,, primairy off to mount the cruise kit, also best done with engine still hot, the crank bolt can be a pain to loosen.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit, primairy drive off.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,, loc tite on the clutch hub nut.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit, new bolt for the crank sprocket.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,, cover back on, oil in and to level, and setting primairy chain tension.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,, new plugs in.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,, fuel tank cover off.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,and airfilter box out.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit, lots off screws later, the airfilter can be changed.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit, rear wheel out to check the bearings an belt.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit,front wheel out to check the bearings and forks.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit, little loctide on the brake caliper bolts.
Xr1200X Service and Cruise kit, checking corrosion in the fuse box, as this bike has been a long time on a small island , salty air but nice and tigthy bike, test ride.
Buell Xb12X, steering damper , new rear fender and chin spoiler.
Buell Xb12X, steering damper , some where in its life the rear fender was cracked , we put a new one on.
Buell Xb12X, steering damper , mounting the steering damper to have some high speed stability.
Buell Xb12X, steering damper loosening the fron engine bolt, as the steering damper will be mounted on this bolt.
Buell Xb12X, steering damper supporting the engine to get the load off the bolt saving lots off time with some pieces off wood and a strong tyre iron.
Buell Xb12X, steering damper , yeah the reflector really needs to go
Buell Xb12X, steering damper fork clamp on and new engine mount bolt with insert tread to hold the steering damper.
Buell Xb12X, steering damper , fasten the steering damper tube after you have tried max steering left to right , so the damper will not be the steering stop.
Buell Xb12X, oil blow by, we suspect the piston rings are gone, will take it apart in the next few days.