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18-7-2014 Buell Xb12X 2007.

19-7-2014 - Buell Xb12X 2007, big service

 Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs.

Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , yeah sometimes you need the big tools to loosen the wheel axles.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , drain plugs... left is gearbox, metal debris normal, right one swing arm ( engine oil ) metal debris not normal.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , after take off the primairy inspection cover, smoke ? ok customer told me he put the bike on the charger every night.. smells like toasted stator.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs, to measure is to know... all 3 leads off the stator are connected to groud... not good, will open up the primairy too.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs ,trying to get the clutch cable off ? will call the customer for replacement, this one is done for.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , primairy off, and remove the sprocket and clutch basket.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , yup toast.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , and they more than one fase is bad.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , pull out the plug wedge and lift the terminal tabs.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , and you can pull out the wires.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , flat screw driver will lever out the plug.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs, yep really well done.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , i like to put a dob off silicone under the wires and the plug to seal and protect against rubbing.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , stator back on, and primairy drive back on.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , cover back on and new clutch cable in.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , right foot peg off to replace the belt.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , first turn out the rear axle so the belt tension is off ,than remove the swing arm brace.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , remove the old belt and put the new one on, letter readable from this side.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , swing arm brace back on and tighten the rear axle.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , new rear brake pads.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , front side, front fender off.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , front wheel bearings are done, put in new ones.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , front disk was also warped, remove and placed a new one, and front fork oil.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , top side.. some one has put the exhaust valve cable under the airbox.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs. looking at the rubbing to the fuel line.. i will take this cable out before it douse worse to the fuel line.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , plug replaced.. notice the old gap ! i think it was set to small....
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs, plug gapped good, and rear one in.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , new battery in.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , signs off long time in, brake fluid sweat-ed through the compensation seal.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , change the rear fluid to, most people "forget" this.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , warm up, charging system check, healthy 14 + volt.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , covers back on, little things to notice, running wires... speed sensor signal wire, isolate and make sure it will not rub.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , chin spoiler thread busings are weak the top one was already out, wil make some new ones in.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , lower one also broke very fast.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , chin spoiler back on.
Buell Xb12X 2007, big service, and lots off repairs , yeah tyre pressure... some thing not really on my to do list, as i think this is the owners responsibility, but just pushing the bike i could feel these where down... little pressure and test ride