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4-7-2014 Buell Xb12SS 2009, Xb12S 2007, XB9R.
5-7-2014 - Buell Xb12SS, 2009 over from Germany for a little update off there fuel mapping. Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping. Buell XB9R... love/hate.
Buell Xb12SS, 2009 over from Germany for a little update off there fuel mapping.. 20.000 km on the bike but still as new.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , draining the gearbox.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , draining the gearbox , take the clutch mechanisme out and un hook from the cable out side the primairy cover, so the little hook can not fall in.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, shift lever off.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , and loosen the primary chain tension.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, and remove the cover screws and cover.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , clutch compression tool on, and remove the c-clip and the c-clip seat.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, pressure plate off and new clutch pack in.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, pressure plate back on, position the c-clip seat and mount the c-clip make sure it seats correctly before you take off the compression tool.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, new gasket on, and check front and rear dowels are still inplace.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , thighten the cover screw , start in the middle and rotate out in a spiral way.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, drian plug back in
yes i have forgotten this ones, but you notice very fast when you try to fill it with oil
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , crew in the clutch cable outer cable adjuster.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, and adjust the clutch mechanisme.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, left turn to lightly bottoming and give it 1/4 turn loose.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , and put the locking nut in place with spring.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , put the clutch cover back on, hold down against the locking spring tension and put the screws in.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, little loctite in the shifter screws... seen to many come loose !!
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping , set primairy chain tension, turn the engine over usualy in 5e gear, on a paddock stand, and check for tight spots in the chain.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, set the clutch cable outer cable adjuster, and give it 2 to 3 mm play on the lever.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, new mounting point for the navigation.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, last things.. mirror holes are not used anymore, put some plugs in.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, the plugs come as short and long , but there all the same lenght, take a cutter and cut the one for the clutch lever a little shorter.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, almost forgot.. seized front fender screw, rounded out head.. i love it :-X
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, as the head was rounded, drilling is the way.. use a 7 or 8 mm drill bit , the rounded socket works perfect as a center hole.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, drill stainless slow cutting speed and good pressure, don't make high rpms on the drill you will melt the front fender very easy.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, head drilled of, now we can take off the fender, and try with a pipewrech kindoff pliers to scew it out.. no go with this one.. seized like it is welded.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, ok no problem, but drilling on the little chewed up piece off threat will surely go off in the aluminum, take out the front axle and brake caliper so you can rotate the front leg.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, an drill from the other end where you have a little guide.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, pesky screw out tapping for to size for a timesert metal insert.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, timesert insert on the mounting tap.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, and a new threath is there.. better as new.
Buell Xb12S, 2007, clutch slipping, that is way i alway use light loctite on these screw.. to hold theme but also as corrosion protection, as stainless in alu can be a pain sometimes.
Buell XB9R... love/hate the bike, the bike can run half the day perfectly ok.. and that with out a clue what is changes ( logging the readings ) she drops idle to 750 rpm.
Buell XB9R... love/hate, battery connection was vibrated loose again.
Buell XB9R... love/hate, going to have closer look at the electrics.. and take the front fairing off , remove the mirrors.
Buell XB9R... love/hate, remove the lower screen screws.
Buell XB9R... love/hate, and take the indicators off , and you can pick off the front fairing.
Buell XB9R... love/hate, now to find me a xb9 ecm, to try.