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2-7-2014 Buell Xb12SX, Xb2SCG.
3-7-2014 - Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair. Buell Xb2SCG, running bad.
Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, customer had a small mishap , foot peg, primairy cover, shift lever.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, the primairy cover was damaged and bend a little inwards, so we replace this on customer request, , drain the oil.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, damaged mirror and custom made handguard handle bar ends.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, foot peg broken.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, while we where at it... make it better and nicer, new shift lever , foot peg and the right brake lever and foot peg where powder coated.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, oil is drained, remove the clutch cable as strait as possible.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, little trick to get the plug out , by turning it.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, remove the chain tensioner from the old cover, as we need it on the new cover.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, new cover douse not come with shifter shaft seal, we put a new one in.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, a little socket will work to tap it in gently.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, chain tensioner, in the new cover.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, little blue locite on the cover screw, and tighten from the middle circling outwards , TQ down to 14 Nm.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, clutch cable back in, and drain plug , and fill with oil.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, clutch mechanism back on.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, adjust and put the locking nut on.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, cleaning the threats after powder coating, highly recommended.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, little blue loctite on the screw.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, the pedals need also the bearing surface to be cleaned from powder caoting, so they will fit with the right tolerance.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, cleaned up the inner diameter and the edge, so the pivot bushings will fit perfectly.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, the connecting rod, has nylon bearings in it , and could not be powder coated, so we spray painted this.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, clutch cable routed back trough the triple t.

Buell Xb12SX 2010, damage repair, and mounted the brake side.. nice.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad, bike is in the first time in 30000 km been take care for, and it douse not like it at first ( been a 25 KW model all its life ) no full power.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad, will check the injectors on flow as it seams to run on 1,5 cylinder.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad,injector holder ( and iac ) take off.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad, flow tested the injectors, they seam fine, will clean theme anyway, but need to look further.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad,plug are in just 3 warmups, and look very polluted already.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad, checking with the spark plug clean mode, i could see the plugs are already so poluted that they would not fire on the electrodes but also over the isolation, will put new plugs in before we try again.. ( the clean spark mode works by opening the throttle full and switching the ingition on , easy way to clean the plugs when your bike is misfiring.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad, injector cleaned and ready to go back on, remember the color code , or look at the spray hole.. should point to the cylinder head.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad, injector holder back on.. some times it douse help to have small hands...

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad,new plugs in.

Buell Xb2SCG, running bad, bike was still not running very nice.. and the intake seals started to leak again.. :-X you can see the marking from the intake manifold in the cylinder head..