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5-6-2014 Buell Xb12X, Xb12XT 10, xb12x 10.
7-6-2014 - Buell Xb12X , smal service. Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child... Buell Xb12XT 2010, call for help.. new customer.
Buell Xb12X , smal service.
Buell Xb12X , smal service, oil drain while hot.
Buell Xb12X , small service, check the belt for ware.
Buell Xb12X , small service, mnnn rear brake not working.. ?
Buell Xb12X , small service, the mounting screws did fall out ? put some new ones in with loctite !!
Buell Xb12X , small service, while the bike has only little km done, still the rear wheel bearings felt bad ( could not turn theme by hand so tight )
Buell Xb12X , small service, axle corrosion.
Buell Xb12X , small service, new bearings in and axle cleaned and lubed ( while of the to much when mounted )
Buell Xb12X , small service, still old style pivot on it , i guess the customer did not received the recall notification from his dealer ! , if he keeps a eye on this it would not be a problem.
Buell Xb12X , small service, rattling bikes... step one loose the plastic clip-in number plate holder.
Buell Xb12X , small service, and use double sided tape under the license plate, so it will not rattle.
Buell Xb12X , small service, the wonders off bad connections, loose battery connections you loose lots off power ( only 71 CCA )
Buell Xb12X , small service, tighten the battery poles.
Buell Xb12X , small service, and the CCA is getting to a more acceptable level , still low.
Buell Xb12X , small service, checking front wheel bearings.
Buell Xb12X , small service, squealing brake pads, where still the original pads, a little glazed, replaced theme for better braking ones.
Buell Xb12X , small service, after test ride, noticed a familiar sound . horn rattling to the fly screen.
Buell Xb12X , small service, on a Uly room enough to mount the horn differently , not ideal but will not rattle anymore.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child... huge difference in AF reading front and rear cylinder, did try already some basic things,and let here heat up a few times and logging the data, all looked ok, but with test ride , it took just 5 km to go back to the running on 1.3 cylinder, while with seat off it would run ok, i checked the wire harness under the seat first, did not see anything rubbing.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, ok next suspect, as i did disabled the O2 sensors to see if they where misbehaving, the running bad did not change , plugs are ok.. so injectors check , removing the cable harness.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, taking the idle air solenoid out.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, to get to the screws out from the injector holder fiddly job but can be done with out rotating the engine.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, injector holder out with fuel pressure sensor ( only on the 2010 models )
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, flow testing the injectors, well problem is obvious.. why the AF value between front and rear cylinders is off the chard.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, new injector matching the rear one..
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, as these injectors are front or rear position only.. if you forget the color code.. the little hole should point to the intake valve.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, injectors back in.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, and injector holder back on.
Buell Xb12X 2010, problem child, retaping the wire harness , and test ride.. perfect again.
Buell Xb12XT 2010, call for help.. new customer , just bought the bike, but every so much km error light came on and bike stutters, after looking at the huge list off error codes ( every sensor that have a error listing had gone off ) .. and looking at the cracked ecm.. easy... connection in the ecm have a crack / loose soldering.
Buell Xb12XT 2010, call for help, mounted new ecm,and test ride.. like a charme again.