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2-5-2014 Buell Xb12R, Xb12X, X1, Xb12SS, M2.
3-5-2014 - Buell Xb12R 2007, Big Service. Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting. Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good. Buell Xb12SS, mishap. Buell M2, lots off problems.
Buell Xb12R 2007, Big Service, changing front fork oil.
Buell Xb12R 2007, Big Service, forks back in , changing brake pads, and brake fuild.
Buell Xb12R 2007, Big Service, new fluid Buell Xb12R 2007, Big Service.
Buell Xb12R 2007, Big Service, warming up for oil level check and test ride
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, leaking intake gaskets where already detected, so stripping the top intake.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, ware marks from Spring tensioner not correctly spacered.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, tensioner has been nocking on the exhaust bracket, better spacer this correctly, before the tensioner fails.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, old exhaust off.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, missing position screw Hmmm..
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, seals where bad the new batch TM intake flanges will be here next week, otherwise we would have mounted theme.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, TPS sensor wires open en making contact, no wonder the bike did not run nice.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, always check the sensor position, there are 2 models.. and we have seen then being mixed up in the HD ware house ( 1999-2006 is this model , 2007 and new replaced complete manifolds the sensor pick up is 90 Deg turned )
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, put new sensor on like this and turn it clock wise to the mounting position , set TPS after !!
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, while we are here... new plugs and cables.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, and new vacuum cap for the california models vacuum por.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, nice TQ hammer ready to go on.
Buell Xb12X 2006, troubles and TQ hammer mounting, TQ hammer on, ecm flash rebuild all parts and test ride
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, after running warm oil drain.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, throttle wire is half broken.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good,, exhaust and header off.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, exhaust gaskets front cylinder leaking.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good,, drain the gearbox, the breather was spuwing oil , crank seal leaking.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good,, clutch cable leaking.
Buell Xb12SS, mishap , weekend trip , customer had a mishap with the side stand.. was going to leave for weekend trip... if we can we try to help.
Buell Xb12SS, mishap, primary cover off.
Buell Xb12SS, mishap, new cover on , and shift lever and foot peg, weekend trip was still possible.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, new rear tyre.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, fix clutch cable leaking with Heat shrink tube with glue.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, drain the engine case to get all the old oil out.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, and Oil pump gear check, customer did not know the historie , better safe than sorry.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, new oil pump gear was already mounted.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, oil pump back, the fitting on the pomp was loose, new sealer and mount it.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, new exhaust port gaskets in, for stock headers is best to use the stock gaskets.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, better replace the exhaust flange holding rings too, there pulled way to hard.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, primairy off, and oil seals was hard and mounted wrong way around, will never seal good like this ( crank pressure can blow out very easy )
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, seal should be in like this.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, using a seal stamp makes work so much easier.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, new seal back in the right way.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, stator plug showed also signs off oil blow by, pull it out clean , and aply some silicone sealer.
Buell X1, leaks and base check if all is good, primairy back on.
Buell M2, lots off problems, nice adjusteble idle adjustment screw came in, will be mounting this to morrow.
Big thanks for cedric , Twin Motorcycles France for helping us out this week.