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19-4-2014 Xb12x, XB12SCG, xb12s.

23-4-2014 - Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals. Buell XB12SCG 2009, header swap. Buell 1125R shop mule. Buell xb12s 2007 wiring shabby.

Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, airbox off, screw broke off ?


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, fuel line off.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, clutch cable adjustment slack.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, and take cable out.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, exhaust off.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals v-brace loose.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, dropping the engine.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, manifold off.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, back in palkce with new seals.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals, hands start the center bolt.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals,exhaust back on.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals,releave the front connection from tension by tapping it with rubber hammer.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals,, thighten fuly.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals,, vacuum port cap on.


Buell Xb12x 2006 intake seals,and mounting covers back on.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap, don't forget the loosen the O2 sensor wire.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap, header off, removing o2 sensor.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap, nice Titanium headers.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap, on the bike.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap, engine back up and exhaust in place.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap, looking good.



XB12SCG 2009, header swap, top covers back on.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap, putting some heat in the headers will color theme very nice.


XB12SCG 2009, header swap. mirror plugs for the original holes.


1125R shop mule, oil leaking right side engine cover.


1125R shop mule, ok not a little job, half the bike need to coma apart.


xb12s 2007 wiring shabby, customer came in if this was normal ? relais for brake light ? ! not really.


xb12s 2007 wiring shabby, original wires cut ? brake licht switch.


xb12s 2007 wiring shabby, please don't use these , there realy bad.


xb12s 2007 wiring shabby, replacing the brake light switch.


xb12s 2007 wiring shabby, new one on and new crush washers.


xb12s 2007 wiring shabby, customer asked if the bike should feel unsafe on high speed... ? no not really , quick check i could move the rear wheel. bearings shot.


xb12s 2007 wiring shabby, replace by new, front one where still ok. bike shoulf feel fine now.