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9-4-2014 Buell M2, XB12X, Xb12S, Xb12R.

28-1-2015 - Buell M2, Check up. Buell XB12X belt broke. Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems. Buell Xb12R 2007, drop in with leaking seal.

Buell M2, Check up, rear wheel outer bearing spinning, we see this more on the older Tube frame models, glued ( with bushing loctite ) this one in place, and let it set for the night, this one will be good for a long time.


Buell M2, Check up, rear wheel back in place and set belt tension , and tighten the axle nut.


Buell M2, Check up, rear spark plug cable scuff nicks , better replace this one.


Buell M2, Check up, new spark plug cables cleaned the catch can.


Buell M2, Check up, the lady has done some km's but still purring like a kitten 



Buell M2, Check up, change brake fluid.


Buell M2, Check up, don't forget the rear.


Buell M2, Check up, little thing that just make the bike feel better, remove the brake lever and clean the hard crusted grease and put some new grease on.


Buell M2, Check up, and you can check the brake lever, we see lot off time when the bike was dropped ,the brake lever is feeling pointed down a little, what really is going on , it the pivot on the lever is broken, replace it ! safety first !!


Buell Brake lever, you see here the pointing down, like it is bend.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke, at first i did find it strange the belt broke already ( about a 1000 km after service ) and the belt was determent still ok, but after seeing the bike... sand is really a bad for belts, it is not a off road bike.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke , the broken bit , and you see the surface layer has been worn through on many places.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke, cracks all around, the dirt and sand has really speed up the ware.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke, front pulley, has ware marks , but will go for now , teeth not really sharp.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke , belt change.. piece off cake.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke , rear pulley looks ok, i think this one has been replaced already.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke,. belt on, new belts are tight , they need to stretch during the first 1500 km.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke , before you tighten the axle , first put the swingarm piece back in place.


Buell XB12X, daily driver... belt broke, it should not matter how you put in on, but i always do it the text readable.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, AC voltage check , not good.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, changing the stator , primary off.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, clutch cable very strangely mounted ? will route this normally back on.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, primairy chain lock nut... should be on the other way around, it not a nyloc nut, the plastic rim on the nut in mend to seal the threats from leaking oil.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, primary off.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, disconnect the stator plug.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, old stator out, and new one in, some silicon gasket to seal the plug and bed the wires from rubbing.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, cover back on and clutch adjustment.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, clutch cable on the normal way, bracket was missing,and front isolator gone.. need to call the customer.


Buell Xb12R 2007, drop in with leaking seal, little job with the fork out.


Buell Xb12r 2007, cleaned the leg, new seals on, will be ready to go.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, old race exhaust problem, idler pulley running in to the exhaust tip.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, has scored the pulley , and belt has been slipping over the wheel for some time, looking at the ware marks.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, you see the belt has been slipping on the idlers wheel.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, some spacer rings behind the bracket to clear the wheel from the exhaust tip.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, and testing.. idle , and charging ( low idle ).


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, little things i notice, tail piece left side mounting holes are broke off... i tried to fix it, but really needs a new tail piece.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, head light bulb out , replacing it.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, battery tray loose, bolts to short and no nuts on it to fixate the battery tray.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, bolts passenger with lock washer jammed in to foot rest bracket, there is no room for the lock washer.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, longer bolts and nuts put on, passengers foot rest on good, and battery tray will not vibrate so much.


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, seat lock not engaging..


Buell Xb12S, 2004 charging problems, the bolts ware missing for the seat lock bracket.. put some new ones in , so the seat lock works again.