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2-2-2019 X1 rebuild, 1125 Engine

1-10-2019 - What did we do today 2-2-2019 slow saterday.. lots of customer coming by .. prepping work for later this week, Buell X1 rebuild and Buell 1125 Engine

finaly.. due to my broken ankle some projects where side tracked... — at Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

case was temperaty holded with bolts.. we need to clean and put sealer on

and have a look at the better than new crank :-) rebuild with own bigend pin

need to press in the counter and shifter shaft needle bearings

right side in the engine stand

pulling in the main end drive bearing

cleaning and degresing the cases

this bead of sealer on.. and cases to getter

mount bolt with a drop of red loctite

i start tightening fron th center

and also put the gear box bolts and the 2 large front mount bolts in, so the gasket can cure and case has the right tension

co worker was workink on the 1125 engine for rod replacement.... my god.. they used a bottle of green loctite on this engine.. need to fight every gear, rotor, clutch hub.. to come of the splines

but we get there .. right side ( clutch side
) 1125 engine

on the X1 case.. tapping the crank seal in . the right way

stator on

use some silicone on the plug and bed the wires against rubbing

so let this cure over the weekend, we going to mount this engine back in the X1 comming week

1125 engine cases apart

and the crank out

oil baffles .. no first some cleaning

inside look at the oil pump and gearbox