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1-2-2019 XB12X short tail XB12 stator Buell M2
27-9-2019 - What did we do today 1-2-2019: Buell XB12X short tail finish, Buell XB12 stator and no.77 plug Buell M2 oil leak search
last things , needed to mount a small battery so all the electrics can be mounted nicer under the seat — at Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
as this is waiting on a problem to come — at Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
cable harnes isolated .. ecm fist — at Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
fuse box and battery next .. plenty room — at Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
just checking.. seat can go back on.. perfect we make it so
mounting the ecm to the undertray with ziptie
fuse box to it
and keep it functional
and creative with o-ring and zipties to secure the battery , using the foam pads that came with the battery under the fusebox and battery
pesky terminal screws.. a cut off piece of ziptie bended double wil holt it during mounting
check... and she runs smooth
now the customer can finaly ride here, first 2 tries the bike stopped
stator change XB , chin spoiler of
pully cover of
and draining the gearbox oil
clutch and inspection covers of
remove the shift lever
and take out the clutch mechanism
loosen the chain tensioner
stil draining.. move to the right side , cut the cables free
you need the big flat one ( first model plug ) and the big 4 pin , with only 3 pins in it
the 4 pin with 3 wires is the stator plug
disconnect and pull out the lock wedge out the connector
with a little pick push the locks a little out and pull the wires
so the wire ends are loose
now cover screws of
the primairy drive
clutch pulling plate out
engine sprocket , normal treads
clutch basket / main shaft left hand treads
remove the wire protecting plate
and plop out the plug and pull the wires out
T20 remove the stator screws
new stator on.
plug in and protecting plate on
primairy drive on.. need some turning to slide on the splines
use red loctite on these nuts
new gasket on
and cover back on you need to lift the chain up the tensioner shoe to push the cover on
tighten spiraling out
check chain tension
fil with oil
and adjust the clutch mechanism.. adjust the cable adjuster after
load test idle.. looking good
unloaded test stator AC Volts .. idle perfect
and 2000 rpm check.. nice
now to change the much faulty no.77 plug ( the big flat one ) these burn out regulary , marking the red , feed to battery .. as all wires behind the connector are black
please take of the battery wires first
cut the old connector
new terminals on.. kit come with manual
and push in the new connector
and press the lock wedge in
other side
with lock wedge
and clean up the wire loom , and ziptie to getter.. and cover can be mounted
very nice M2 need to make it run.. and search for oil leak
battery is about dead..
oil is gone.. please do not fil.. as it is normal the oil drain to teh engine case.. first start to get the oil back in the tank , than check the level
it was leaking about.. customer cleaned already some
simple things first. wet shock ! douse the dampening still works.. common for these to spill there oil .after a long time not riding
pully cover of
little wet behind
but mostly to the front under the camcover
lets remove the canister and see
wet here to.. i suspect engine cases gasket ?
at front also wet
first clean
so we can see some thing
remove the heat shield
and start here up... nice and easy.
oil come up.. so that is ok
but i cannot see any leaks yet.. i think it need a ride, standing on a lift the engine douse not get hot ( cases ) only after you overheat the cylinders )