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11-1-2019 XB9 Finish XB12 troubles XB12SS exhaust

29-6-2019 - What did we do today 11-1-2019 XB9SX finish exhaust stud and service, XB12 trouble shooting, XB12 SS Exhaust and header

with the header mounted engine can go back up — at Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

tighen the w-brace

draining the gear box oil... please do not silicone gasket this cover..

drain plug out

while draining cables tight side stand and crank sensor

side stand can use some lube

chain lube works very well.. nice and sticky

checking the primairy chain tension

rear wheel check caliper of

belt is ok with 34000 km

as are the rear wheel bearings 17000 km in now

mounting back the muffler

i will do high temp grease on the exhaust clamp bolt .. as this will be a crime when this one seazes

the run out bolt , with some loctite in

this brace will come loose with out the bolt holding theme to getter .. i put one in tempereray

steering damper back on

clutch cable will not go easy in the lever .. looks like after market

as this is a original

rear sparkplug in

and aribox base plate mounted

time to do the front end

steering damper clamp loose

brake caliper bolts out

and front supported

wheel out, bearings are perfect shape

front legs out for fresh oil

protect the cap nut form tool markings

back in

look for the ground wire.. if these are ok

check the position of the steeringdamper it can travel full from left to right

wheel back in and axle set to 55 NM

nasty stuf brake fuild.. seeps throught the rubber compensating membrame over time

clean fluid in the fron

and clean fluid in the rear

i like to push the lever a few time the full travel of the cylinder

and letting here warm up for oil level check and fuction check

next xb12 with some troubles

broke airbox is only 1 off the problems

very little miles done

but blinking and flashing error light already with ignition on

mnnn flashing error means usualy ecm .. as i could not get in to the ecm with the diagnostics ... easy to check with a other ecm

tataa.... communication is possible and runs ok... but i think the high voltage has fried some things ( 17 volts ) i do not trust the regulator any more , as it did go down to 14 volt ...

for now new cover on... one of the last ones i'm afraid... ( we have a other kick ash with out X-guard in stock )

come with 2010 sticker like decals .. now contact customer for the repair

get here running.. belgium bike , repaired in holland and will go to a new home in Swiss ;-)

need new studs

mounting with a drop of loctite

with the equeal lenght header best to use flat gaskets

and some new hard ware for mounting

check the clearance on the pipe to the oil cooler as with the 3 piece one you can twist is some

pcv valves in before i for get it , and engine rotated up

side stand of

to mount the left chin spoiler bracket

pre-assemble the TQ hammer exhaust

some sealent on the pipe connections

best to lube the all stainless hardware some , these will freeze up other wise

exhaust mounted loosly , now first the rear straps mounted loosely

you can rotate the damper body to make it fit nice and give a little spacing

than first tighten the front screws, than the rear straps

and than the pipe clamp

whoop whoop ... looking good. .. chin spoiler right bracket on

plug cable connection corroded.. i will replace these

designed and tested... we tried .. very hard to have a overall better design..


stock filter full off dirt

eeeeuw... like my wife would say... just some hitch hikers , signs the bike has not been running for some time

cleaning the left side scoop



before start up best to de-grease the headers.. imprinting greasy finger prints not nice

and she is running.. after long time

the headers get a very lovely color

with the header mounted engine can go back up