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5-12-2018 XB12R finish XB12S 2008 REMUS problem
9-5-2019 - What did we do today 5-12-2018 Buell XB12R finish Buell XB12S 2008 REMUS catalytic problems
new studs mounting... use a little loctite to fasten theme
new gaskets in
and mounting the new retaining rings on the header
clamping the flanges in
and mounting the header on the bike
the broken of tab.. hope this will hold , 2k glue with doubler plate to take the heat
engine back up and set bolt to TQ
spark plug cable .. booth is cracked.. will replace this
exhaust back on
give the pipe connection a love tap.. before you tighten the clamp to get the tension out
scoops back on
roght scoop on
mnnn rattles..... will put some rattle tape behind it
connecting under the bonnet
and airbox cover back on
old battery .. has 180 cca left.. is a little light for a XB
new battery in mount the strap.. the hook part first and than the slot .. with a screw driver
little whiping my greasy hand prints of, and she is ready for here owner again
little whiping my greasy hand prints of, and she is ready for here owner again
XB12S... puffing black smoke, and running bad. already diagnose AFV was 140 .. intake seals leaking. but still running bad and becoming hot very fast.. exhaust is also blowing between the clamp ? .. blocked catalistic converter ?
strip down for engine rotation. intake seals so throttle cables loose
airbox off
take the coil out
to have better acces to the throttle cables ( 08-up are screwed )
fuel lie loose
and left foot peg bracket off , as this will hit in the primairy cove
loosen the 2 connectors on the w-brace
chin spoiler off
if postitioned correctly you can get to the rear straps
sometimes hard to get.. than it is easyer to take the idler bracket of
stock exhaust clamp on remus exhaust... douse not work... clamp is to big , and can not be tightened enough.. the pipe adaptor that came with the exhaust is not mounted !!
and rattleling
see the wear marks on the pipe ,, this will wear out the pipe over time
engine down
and injector wires loose
see the rubbers sticking out
loosen thte center screw
sparkplugs ? i will check these.. i think best to replace
intake seals.. no vacuum bites.. but the edge is hard
little cleaning to the heads
and manifold back on
rear is rear... white front
with the engine down.. plugs is a breaze .. front one is black as the night .. thick off soot
new plugs.. check the gap
spark plug connectors where not clicking.. the ends where bend open carefull closeing them with a plyer
rear plug.. same story
engine up and brace back on
mnn looking inside.. indeed looks like it is blocked
some poking and grinding... removed the broken catalystic converter.. it is completly full and closed about half way the pip
rubbing marks better visible , mount with some exhaust mounting paste
new clamp on
and rear straps i
front mounted
idler sound like a macarena ... bearings are running dry , this will not hold that long
so spiral spring out
and new bearings pressed in
thin end spacer on the nice side
belt tension is not to much so i can mount it with the belt in place
moving up.. throttle cables
coil and cable back on
and running warm.. much better