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22-2-2018 Buell XB12SS service and check up

22-5-2018 - What did we do today: 22-2-2018 Buell XB12SS service and check up

inspection and service Xb12SS

now it starts.. tighening the battery poles works better

running the bike i noticed a big difference in running cold and warm , when the bike started to run on the O2 sensor.. can be a leaking problem. so testing for intake seals.. carefull not to spry aroung the vacuum port as this will effect the test

the engine is making noise.. sound gearbox.. i think the chain is very loose.. 2007 model.. check the drain plug magnet on debris .

oil is pitch black

starting to remove the covers for engine rotation

peg bracket of

quick check primairy chain.. yep way to loose

while draining.. right side covers of

new gearbox oil in

loosening the outer cable adjuster

and adjusting the clutch

side stand lubrication.

fresh oil in

and new oil filter on

with the rear wheel in the air, shift in 5e gear

to check and adjust the primary chain... do this on more than 1 position by bumping the rear wheel

rear wheel out.. belt is ok.. early signs of normal wear

wheel bearings are done for..

new bearings pressed in and mounting the wheel back

supporting the engine, and remove the front bolt

clutch cable loose and throttle cables loose

top tie rod bolt loose, intake stack and connections loose

ready to rotate the engine.. been awile looking at the cobweb :-)

engine down.

with a service.. saves allot off time .. easy spark plug change

the rear cable boot was pulled so far, the connector was not on the plug.. only toughing

see the front cable was ok

new plugs in set gap and lube the threads

pulling the boots back to ensure the connectors click on

and turn the front one inboard.. so it will not rubb to the wire harness

intake manifold loose

seals are old and hard

and left some marking on the heads..

lubing the idle cable before the manifold is mounted

engine back up.. front bolt 66NM

clutch cable mounted and adjusted.. ziptie the booth watter tight

hooking up the trottle cables

and electical connectors.. the injector wires are clearly marked .. green = rear

tps wire ziptied to the fuel rail... to protect the wire connections , when the engine is moving

clean the airbox baseplate

intake stack mounting.. ensure you push it back on fully

and mount the base inbetween the gaiter

air filter cleaned and charged with new filter oil

i leave the solinoid on.. it gives problems.. so will remove it from the ecm

front end

these are more than done..

and a new frotn tyre is mounted

front fork oil , so forks out

virgin top cap nuts

protect the cap nut with some electrical tape , so the socket fits very snugg , and douse not dammage the aluminium

some corrosion pitting on the legs.. a other consern when riding trough the winter,

fronts cleaned , and fresh oil in

new front wheel bearings

caliper back on

and mounting the chin spoiler back on

right side scoop

pushing down the front a few times.. before you tighten the pinch bolts

as you see the axle is under the leg surface.. only light tighten the axle protection. as you will slide the fork in. and it will stick and not feel free

yep.. happens..

the other one only just got it out

cleaning and new grease on the pivot surfaces

drilling out the screw , start with a little bigger, to center

than a smaller dril bit

carefull when you are almost there

with the cap tension removed.. 9 out off 10 times you twist out the left in part with your fingers

fresh fluid

new screws.. with some neverseas

customer want handguard mounted.. and keep the bar end mirrors.. no problem

but the old adaptors do not cut it

i use our own design vibration dampers.. heavy and very secure mounting point for mirrors, and adapt these for handguards

as we are waiting on the handguards mounting with out

bar end mirrors on

calibrating the tps

and ready for test ride