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29-11-2017 XB 88CI engine assembly part II

21-1-2018 - What did we do today 29-11-2017 Buell XB12 88CI engine assembly

new left sprocket bearings comes with a chamfered spacer ring , for left contact — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

cleaning the spacer up , with some fine scotch brite you can clean the surface for the new seal to run in on — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

new crank seal in — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

spacer, seal and holder — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

some silicone gasket on the stator plug to help seal in the case — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

stator mounted, some silicone to bed the wires — bijTwin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and protective plate on , to protect from the rotor — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

rear exhaust mount — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

prelube the lifters , just to help the first seconds — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

slide pins in so the lifters line up and cannot turn around — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

protecting the holes for now — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

unpacking the new cylinders — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

the sleeves are milled for cylinder to cylinder clearance and for the oil jet — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

testing if all have enough clearance — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

ok to go .. just checking — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

base gaskets are a little big for xb ..the pushrod cover is on it — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

some cutting to give this more clearance — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

big pistons prep .. mounting the oil scraper rings first— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

checking the ring gap .. please do this, or when you order cylinders from us.. ask us !! i will gladly do this for you — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

how much bigger is 88" wel just a little ;-) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

1e compression ring needs more gap — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

so little grinding , debur the ends after — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

2e ring is black , you can also see this at the markings on the rings — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

checking again other cylinder, i use the piston to push the ring down flat and even in the bore , so the rings is even — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

mnn this one is even bigger... would not even fit — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

cleaning , they look clean ... yep... a little cleaner and a clean rag... comes out black from hone dust...— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

all the precausing labels are there for a reason.. clean the cylinders with hot soapy watter , untill you can pull a clean rag trough and the rag stays clean— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

one side the piston ring clip already in — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and pusting the piston down the barrel — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

mounting the piston pin and clip ... put some rags in the case openings incase the clip escapes — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

that is 1 — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and that is 2 , temp holding nut so the cylinder will not bump up and down , the sleeves are very fragile— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

now first the pushrod coveras back on — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

cylinder downs in , these are push ins — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

preping the heads , old valve seals off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

valves clecked and cleaned — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

cleaning up the heads — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

looks better ;-) just a little cleaning up the valve seats as they normaly stick out in the head , — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

lapping the valves in on the seats , to clean the surface — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

not to much — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

new valve seals on — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

do a dorp off oil in the inside , helps with mounting these — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

valve on , no light to see .. good — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

valve ceepers back on , can be a absolute pain.. but normaly XB are easy — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

next valve — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

push rod o-rings , mount theme first in the head — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

head gasket on , check the rivit douse not stick out to much — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

drop of oil in the threads and on the flats off the head bolts — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and TQ the head down in steps — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

next head — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

valve seals on using a bigger socket helps to push it down — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

valves ready to be mounted — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

ceepers in place — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and releasing the tension — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

o-rings in , and first push down on the pushrod cover— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

than locate the dowls — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and tq the head — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

mnnn .. did not notice this before... i think the front isolator will fail shortly — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

rubber is loose for some part — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

for now , i put it on , as this is not much work , and we need to rotate the engine a few times anyway — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

neutral switch in — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and wire on — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

and starter motor on — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.