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23-11-2017 Uly big check up , uly trouble shooting
11-1-2018 - 23-11-2017 Buell XB12X big check up, Buell XB12X trouble shooting,
nice Uly in for service and upgrade suspention
as i find the engine running high idle.. a quick check intake seals are leaking
while it is warm, draining the oil
and removing the covers
screw missing .. will put a new one in
and check the clutch cable and breahter hose for leaking ... this is allot.. can also be a sign off not getting warm during commuting
clutch cable and boot look ok..
grrr... lucky this one is not corroded tight .. hard to get to the lower screw because the exhaust
right spoiler piece off to change the oil filter
customer asked to check the exhaust leaking..
mnnn clamps half way up are corroded tight.. ok take the complete off
trying if there is room in the clamps to tighten further
not really ... still the pipe has even play in the mufler
the micron is easy.. removing the front pipe... header nuts.. first tighten , than loosen.. using a little wd40 helps
2 down
10 o clock apointment.. been a long travel.. bike has to low , and runs bad..
ok opening the airbox... i can do all i want but the piston rings are gone... to much oil in the airbox... customer left the bike behind for top end overhaull
ok with the other Uly... front pipe off you see it has been loose and rattling
rear wheel check
bearings are ok
primairy chain needed to be tensioned
engine supported and removing the front engine mount bolt
moving up top side... airfilter removal.. i change this one to .. paper filter , buell racing.. has become heavy from dirt and oil
disconneting all under the airbox
wear marks because netting was pulled back to much
engine down.. and rear header pipe off.. you see vibration wear.. pipe has been loose in the mufler ratteling . wearing out the pipe
intake manifold off
while we are here.. change the sparkplugs .. combining things ona big service is easy
rubbing spark plug wires , best to be replaced
intake seals replaced
and new plugs in
new vacuum cap on the port . the old one was dried out
the old one was getting dry cracks
the exhaust clamps... not much room for improvement... can not clamp these any harder , i put some new ones on
mounting paste.. on the pipe end.. to help seal
and header pipe in the mufler tighening the new clamp
engine up and tightening the front engine mount
and mounting the front header pipe
and tightening the HD clamp
flat jack under the rear.. to get the weight off the shock
pressure can holder loose
lower bolt loose
and shock loose
int he press to get the spring off
new progressive spring on.. and back in the bike
mounting bolts.. tighten with the shock on operating position
conneting the electics under the airbox
stack on
i trow this one away and mount a new K&N filter
rubbing wires marks from the seat.. i will pull these down a little
front end , wheel out
forks out..
use some isolating tape to protect the cap nuts
a uly thing.. the lower part off the slider will never see any action... and corrosion can happen here.. no problem... but when you take the forks apart you will damage the seals if you don't clean this
spot the diferance ?
oil level Uly.. i do this one with spring.. about 10-13 mm to the top :-)
indexing the rebound adjuster
with the rebound set to max ( closed ) turn on the cap with needle and bottom it out.. than screw the counter nut up to lock
1 heavy end. 1 light end how to go in ?
half the fork is unsprong weight.. heavy part up reduses the unsprong weight , i don't think i will ever notice .. but i do it anyway ;-)
caps still pristiene
with the forks out.. easy check the ground wires on the steering head
wheel in
and caliper tight
zip ties on the clutch cable boot to protect from spray comming on
little details...
changing the brake fluid
changing the brake fluid
during test ride i hear the familiar horn rattle ( low rpm )
you see where it toughes the flyscreen on the inside
little different mounting and it is rattle free