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19-10-2017 XB no neutral start, XB gearbox
17-11-2017 - 19-10-2017 Buell XB no neutral start, Buell XB, gearbox problem XB9R 03 starter clutch, Buell XB, hybrid tdm/buell running issues
customer called... bike douse not start no button action... ? neutral light working.. no.. should start with the clutch pulled in.. still not ( the clutch switch was also broken ) customer made a ground connection to the starter relais to bypass the neutral light , so he could come by
just checking.. yep way to much resistance
belt needs to come off the front pulley , so weight supported and loosening the axle to get the belt of
tensioner of in this case and belt off the front pulley
with a thin wall 5/8 socket you can just reach for the switch
new switch in and putting everything back on.. she will start again
a like new XB9R 03 , this customer is very caring for his bike, as it looks like new , only 1e and 2e gear are working
but is has done almost 55000 km
looking at the oil lines , as these are polished.
we are going to look at the counter shaft , to check i this is still inplace, as there is a change this causes this problem
old style black tensioner.. needs to be replaced as well
clutch hub out, and you can take off the basket and chain
counter shaft lock plate is good and tight
and has not moved.. so need to contact the customer, as we need to take the engine apart to check the gearbox inside
XB12X 08 no start... the starter motor clutch is slipping.
gearbox oil out —
and losening the primairy cover
looking at this and compair this to the black one on the XB9R .. these where introduced in 04 with the XB12.. and do not require a visual inspection every 16000 km to check the wear, as these blue ones hardly show signs off ware
anyway the part we are after .. the 2 bolts insed the primairy that hold the startermotor —
i need to make room on the ohter side
before i continue , battery poles of
oil line holder loose
and remove the hair pin clips from the fittings to pull out the breather line
now you have acces to the speedsensor, the plug is a bitch to get of, and you break off the lock tab very easy.. so i take this one off still connected
when of you can easy take the plug of
electrics out the way —
rear tierod loose
and battery feed to the starter motor loose
loosen the 2 bolts , for the lower one push the starter back so you don't need to remove the clutch basket
starter out.. we need to take of the nose cap , loosen the 2 long bolts
and the 2 short one
tap with a hammer and the front comes off
take care as some loose rollers can fal out
tap the starter clutch out the nose piece. it is only held on with a o-ring to seal ot
old one... normaly you can turn this one only 1 way .. this one slips
tap it upside down to get the ball bearing out ( helps the friction to the spring )
new one in and some grease added
and this baby can go back in
lining out the bolts and tighen theme
battery feed m, sensors and wires connected
oil lines back on
an closeing the cover
new oil
checking the primairy chain tension , check on 3 positions
on with the service , checking the wheel bearings
ok these are done for..
new bearings in
ziptie the lines so the gearbox breather will not get hurt by the exhaust pipe
and she is working again
after heating up time or engine oil change
checking the front side , typical XB12X 08-up front end
the brake pads are about gone
wheel bearings where good.. replace the pads , and test ride
regular customers already did see this one.. your doing tdm ?
eeehh no not really but as all the running parts are XB, the customer asked me to have a look at his drivebilaty problems
mmnn ok tps and idle douse not match.. to much off set to normal
intake seals where replaced said the customer, but the difference between open and closed look is very big —
and the ego runs wild with leak test
i need to replace the seals first .. so how ?
rotating looks not a option and the frame piece will push in the primairy cover
nice XB fuel pomp mounting inside