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27-7-2017 XB exhaust leak service, XB belt, X1
1-9-2017 - What did we do today: 27-7-2017 XB exhaust leak and service, XB belt, X1 front end and service
XB12Scg in for service, shifter seal is leaking some— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.
and missing the front exhaust bracket bolt..
SCG problem.. way to low to the ground.. ramps and bumps will be a issue , 1 rear strap broken
and 1 front stud broken
ok.. we need to strip allot... airbo off
side covers off
removing the exhaust... front pipe is also cracked
cracked in the bottom.. will be a issue to get this welded.. need to cut the chin spoiler bracket off
and crack runs almost around... running to long with our front support is killing exhaust
exhaust removed.. now first oil ... out
front plug out
bit wattery... will check the boots
shifter lever off
and seal taken out
new seal.. i like to put some grease in there.
rubber back on
and shifter back on.. use loctite on these bolts
fresh oil in .. and clutch adjusted
wheel bearing check.. while this is a 2010 model .. never hurts to check
these are perfect as expected.. remember to put the spacer ring back in
adjusting the primary chain tension
and preping for engine rotation right small scoop off ... note the 2010 dual O2 sensor
engine supported
and front bolt loose.. when with our tension.. the bolt can be turned out by hand
left peg plate remove.. this will hit the primairy cover
engine rotating down.. loosen the wire guide and disconnect the o2 sensor plug
3 bolts later and some ratteling to get the flanges loose ... header is out
o how fun... clean break that is a +
gasket needs to come out to use the drill guide
Jims dril guide mounted, love this one
and now for a sharp cobalt dril bit ..
i made some on a stick easiers in some cases
with a good drill bit easy work... like butter
now retapping the threads
tap broke in the hole.. good luck getting that one out... EDM or with carbide mill is the only way , but head needs to come off for bought option ...
so top side some more needs to come loose
with the coil removed i can eassy reach the throttle cables
front head mount off
and loosening the intake manifold
coil bracket off
and rocker cover.. see the old orange seals.. will check the rear one to , easy now
rocker box off ,
and head off.. valves out and off to the edm
w-brace back on for some stabilaty
and engine hold up with a strap
airbax and cover on... needs to be set to the side
next job.. funny way to have a belt
nice Xb12SX 2010 with out belt ;-)
the belt is already worn out... dirt... salt.. bad weather douse not help.. but 10000 km is fast for a belt...
ok oil... fist clean the iller cap.
and a little grease on the side stand
10000 km... salt is a killer... exhaust is almost gone
trying to start this bike i noticed the neutral switch did not work .. best to check now
sensor reads 80 Ohm... will not work
thinned 5/8 high wall socket you can get to it under a small angle
new switch in.. check ... works
customer asked for a spring tensioner .. old one off
wheel out to check.. the pully teeth are sharp but not to far gone
bearings are ok —
now brace out
and peg base loose
to route the belt in
new first the swing arm brace back in.. and peg plate on.. loctite !
removing the idler fromt he fixed brace
with the set come some spacers... mounted to many... i can do this with out thinking.. 2 big rings on the studs
and 1 small ring on the outside
and tensiponer on
setting the axle to tq
and cut the pully cover some more space other wise this will run against the idler pully
fresh oil in and check engine came on
mnnn ok figures.... rusty exhaust —
i cycle the solinoid a few times... keeps working.. next step would be remove . and strap the valve open on the exhaust , but i think in the near future a nice TQ hammer will go on
X1... they don't make theme like this any more..
and some money was put in the bike.. nice swing
they rattle in the box Spiegler dual disk brake system mounted
bike had fallen over witht he steering lock on.. now left is ok
but turning to the right the steering sticks , i think the stem is dammaged
so to strip the complete front end . wheel nut off
metric !!! ... pinch bolts loose
calipers off
front legs out , need to fix a seal on this one to
wheel out.. the bearings feel funky... i will replace theme
flyscreen off
and 1 leg out
keeping it out off damage way
losening the handle bar... markings will keep things in position mounting it back
meeehhh... rusty bolt .. . i'm very sure the customer would not mind me putting some new stainless ones
pich bolt loose
and stem bolt loose
give the stem bolt a tap with rubber hammer to tap out the lower triple t
bearings look ok.. some grease and they will do
steering stem needs to remove the big burr from the steering lock
triple back on.. front leg now first
taking it apart is easy
use some electro tape to protect the sharp edge
oil seal hammered home
and legs back on . handle bar back on with new screws
new bearings in the front .. feel so much better —
frotn axle a drop off loctite on
next job... rocker box gaskets are leaking heavy :-(
caliper bolts... also crusty
nice new ones :-) to add to the bling
drop of loctite and setting these to TQ
pinch bolt still loose ... set the forks by pushing the bike down a few times , and than tighten the pich bolts