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3-5-2017 M2 check up, XB12 broken throttle shaft
15-6-2017 - 3-5-2017 Buell M2 check up and front seals, Buell XB12 broken throttle shaft repair
nice M2 in for check up
bike is 1997 ... only 16000 km done so far
as it had trouble running.. just checking... yep.. i bet the first seals are still in here
but first the wet stuff... engine oil draining slowly
but first the wet stuff... engine oil draining slowly
checlking the primary.. screw heads are almost done.. need to take the lever off
do not pry open these levers they will break very easy ... with a tire iron and some protection force it off
hammer and socket just got it , wil lput new screws on
removing the fuel tank for easy acces to the throttle bodie
aircleaner off
and exhaust off to change the gearbox oil
drain plug gearbox.. above the exhaust
while the primairy is draining.. top side to get the manifold off
throttle cables out
and carb off
the hard to get bolts ( left side ) intake manifold
yep.. first ones.. still on.. looking at theme a wonder the bike even run
heavy deposit on the heads fromt these gaskets
gear box was drained, so first new oil in
checking the primairy chain tension
new bolts for the inspection cover
and fresh oil filter on
checking the plugs.. customer told me he changed theme just.. i wonder why he put in DCPR7 ( 6R12 ) a heat grade not really advised
and for the little they did run the look not good.. i will put in DCPR8 heat grade.. much better
scraping the heads clean
the old seals have dry rot and are cracked all around
with new seals. manifold inplace
carb back on
cleaned the breather and mounting it
broke the choke cable...
so carb off again
and choke cable out the carb
new cable on and screwing it back in
carb mounted again.. and breather bolts.. .i use a light oil sealing loctite as you can not force these bolts... they break way to easy
and choke cable mounted
exhaust back on
rear wheel / belt check... bought ok. but belt is to tight for my lickings
wheel nut loose and adjusting the tension
better , to loose is not good, but to tight is killing
bike swaped around for the front end
wheel nut loose
don't like these covers... hard to see. but bought fork seals are leakings... they are just done by a repair shop ? so what is wrong
old Pm caliper , bolts and pins to get the brake pads out
pins are hold in with cotter pins
wheel out .. bearings are ok.. some rust on the disk from standing still . but that will come off the first km riding
front fork out.. loosen the headlight bracket
dust covers... look like they pinced it inbetween the brace and the front legs , could be a cause the seals are leaking.. pushing out the legs to far
anyway top cap loose
slider down, and remove the holder disk
2 14 mm spanners to remove the damer from the rod
mnnnn o yes could be fun... rounded out damper bolt
pfffff... it would still come loose after a tap to hammer the allen key in
dust seal and clips out
and slide hammer the slider out the lower leg
these are old model, loose bushings no fun to mount
no damage to the legs.. so i think the jamming on off the fork brace is responceble for the leaking seals ... new seals in
damper in
damper bolt with new crush washer
a little fideling to get the bolt and damper in correcly
oil in and top cap on
1 down 1 to go
use new crush rings when you do this.. the old ones are knackered
and leg 2 done .. back on fender on, and i put the dust cover loosly in top , the fork brace fits freely now
mechanical speedo back in the wheel
drop off loctite on the threads
and torqing the caliper bolts
warming up.. still carb needs a little love... as it will not keep a idle off the choke right now ...
uly in with broke throttle shaft
road repair service had a look already...
ok engine needs to rotate.. to ready top side
and start striping the lowers
W-brace loose
exhaust off
engine supported and front mount bolt loose
engine rotated down, and removing the throttle body
bougth screws accounted for
and the shaft is not missing any parts
tps sensor off
2 ways to remove the butterfly plate.. in this case loosen the screw did work.. outer wise we would need to drill the head off to retrieve the butterfly plat
easy cleaning now
all parts acounted for
cleaned and ready to put the new shaft in
nice :-)
c-clip in the tps side
nylon bushings on and put the shaft in
now first put the throttle cam on with spring
than line out the butterfly plate and screw it on with the suplied screws.. use a drop red loctite to secure theme
check your tps sensor.. as we make the throttle shaft for bought tps positions.. you need to put the pin in your self
this old style tps so horizontal pin in
tps sensor on.. press it on a little rotated off, and trun it to the mounting hole ..
looks like the intake seals where leaking to
intake back on
engine back up and bolt to 66 Nm
exhaust back on
will mount the straps the nice way
top side connecting
setting the tps
contact... she is running nice again
will do a small servic e , to , draining the oil
new filter on, and fresh oil in.. just the rear tyre and she is ready