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19-4-2017 1125R big service inspection
23-5-2017 - What did we do Today: 19-4-2017 Buell 1125R big service inspection
a other daily driver .. in for big check up
check and tighten the battery connections
letting the bike warmup to drain the oil
the 1125 are really dirt suckers
take it off complete , so the knocking about will not result in gettnig sand in the throttle bodies
left drain plug
mnnn will mount everything back proper ... customer had mounted this exhaust
drain right side
a little wet here... try to tighten the screws.. if not the gasket is blow out...
taking bets. if the bearings are blown ;-)
that douse not hapen allot , need to full the coolent
riding on salty roads... instant murder for your bike ,
riding on salty roads... instant murder for your bike ,
yep... bearings are toast
side stand sensor brace was loose.. and has been laying on the exhaust, hence the melted parts
the screw was missing..we have theme... no it wil not make so much slamming noise , as the bracket is also the side stand stop , the side stand was ramming against the exhaust
one very dirty airbox off for cleaning
bike swapped around to remove the front end
exhaust removal.. easier when you loosen the right foot peg bracket
making ready for valve play check , cover off
and plug out.. this will leak a little
front end out.. bearings are ok
removing the fork legs, to replace the oil and better acces to the valve cover
cutting the zip ties holding the wires right side and horn
loosen the rear O2 sensor connector , as you will pull it off rotating the engine
pinch bolts loos
and middle engine bolts out
loosening the rear bolts a little to make rotating up easier
and the 2 front bolts out
air intake loose and pull it out
engine rotated down... check the ecm/ sensor ground cable on the front head .. as this one can corrode and is very hard to reach
you see the bolt is corroded, and the washer to.. i put a new washer in
front plug out
checking the new plug, a little grease and new plug back in
loosening the cover screws
cover off and checking the valve play .. ok
intake. some pitting in the cam. but is not transfering a wear pattern on the valve finger.. not a big issue .. keep a eye on it , valve play is good
you see the pitting , it is below the surface
front coil back on.. i did find the connector a little loose, so i put in a extra lock with a ziptie , rear cylinder valve play is also ok
engine up
and first the 2 front bolts in
than start thightening left side
ziptie the wire harness in place
and bought pods can be mounted
front legs serviced.. with some fresh oil
and these can go back in... tighten only the top for now.. as i need to retighten the steering head bearings
frotn wheel in and axle tightened
caliper back on
steering stem bolt loose , and little grease in there to resist the corrosion
tightening the steering head bearings
pinch bolt tight
and now you can tighten the lowers
brakes feela digital on -/ off
little cleaning and fresh grease.. and it feels so
fresh fuild on
and drain the clutch
i put some noce black screws in
rear fluid.. much forgotten ... nasty looking
nice black screws
and new brake fluid and cleaning
coolant to level
is the 2e exhaust already on this bike... really crappy steel
riding off side walks douse not help
rear mounting bolts in
front left bolt... the loose nut needs a spanner to hold it
positioning the right front mounting nut.. sliding it in the slot
tap the headers free odd tension.. and tighten the clamps
filling with oil... need a steady hand
pod covers back on
airbox base cleaned
map sensor mounted the right way
airfilter cleaned and primed
resetting the service counter
and letting here warmup for oil level check and test ride