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3-3-2017 XB12S handle bar and mirrors, custom wire

15-3-2017 - What did we do today: 3-3-2017 Buell XB12S handle bar and mirrors, custom wire job

XB12S in for handle bar, mirrors and bar end mirrors— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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first stripping, navigation off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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micky mouse ears off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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left hand switch off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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right hand and throttle tube off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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with a little luck and screw driver you can pull off the left grip ( WD40 also helps ) when there glued on good.. you need to cut theme off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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clutch lever loose , i slide this off when the bar is loose — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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the clamp loose , can be needed to tap theme off when they are beying on for so many years — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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nice ,black and lower — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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but we need a extra hole in the bar , for the barend indicators , drill the hole, and debur it — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

in the renthals bar usualy there are plugs inside, with a blast off air in the hole you just drilled they pop out , lika capgun — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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wires pushed in some shrink tube to protect it ( the indicator come with long wires, but i want to make this easy to remove at the bar end ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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bar on, checking i put in on in the center — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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as this bar is a little wider and bar end indicators are going to be used, the barend mirrors need to go on the handle bar ends — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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making new connections on the indictor — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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and mesuring where the switch will go — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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little painters tape — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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when you push the switch on the antirotation nipple will leave a mark as postion to dril the hole ( 4,5 mm ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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everything back on for real now — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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and the indicator on.. note these are not ambidextrous , there is a left one and a right one — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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right side again checking for the drilling postion, but here you need to leave a little space so the throttle grip turns freely — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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the indicators are turn to fasten ( in the rubber mount ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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nice — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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ok old stull off — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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and pulling the wires to the connections , note LED lights need to wire ground to ground , other wise they will not work , unlike indictors with a light bulb— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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LED relais mounted to lower the blink frequenty , for this relais the feed and ground need to switch position in the holder — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

honist 2e try ;-) these are very bright to the direction they need to see ( that is why there is a left and right ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

the fun continues , need a clear mind to do this job— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

custom wire job.. measuring the ignition switch / and starter ( extra turn on the key ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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and labeling — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

did the ignition switch wires on the bike already — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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one off the resons i want to do it all over, but now good , tinned wire ends in pinch connector.. douse not work well in the long run ( most off these connectors where loose ) — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

looks better , and watter tight — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

labeling it , lesson learned.. every time some walks in , or phone rings.. needed to start the first 15 minutes figuring out how and why .. very frustrating— bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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light switches hooked up — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

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proof off concept... we are getting there — bij Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.

foto van Twin Motorcycles Buell Support forever.